2nd december 2008 was the day i started blogging. so yesterday was my first ever bloggerversary! yay me! clink! clink! yah, i'm very new at this but i've been enjoying it ever since. why? because i just LOVE to write.

believe it or not, i was never really interested in blogs, or blogging before. i love to write, and i have hand-written journals, create poetry once in a while, write short stories - but that's about it.
some people don't blog, but they love to blog-hop and read what others wrote. some who have blogs, naturally would visit other's blogs. but me - even when i didn't have a blog before, i have never really read anyone's blog. really!
not until i have my own blog did i realize some of friends have blogs since forever! and since then have been hooked - bordering on obsessions! haha.
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must i blog?
of course! i LOVE to write, i love to share, and i feel that i have so much to tell! i mean, google the blogs and you'll find blogs on either parents' experience slash babies, foodie blogs, travel blogs and lifestyle. oh, and politics.
i'm a mom of 2 boys (one topic covered), i LOVE to eat (another topic) and i am currently staying in dubai where my husband works (another topic covered!) - i have 3 main topics to constantly rant and yap about - why wouldn't i be blogging?

things i love to blog about:
food. i love to eat - i love to cook my fav food, and i love to eat out. however, mr. khairul said i can never be a food-reviewer or a food critic - coz i'm a picky eater! itu tak makan, ini tak makan..
my top choice of yummy postings about food
khaleef and kahfi - goes without saying
- cute pictures with caption
- for their aunts and uncles
- i will protect you
- my sons
- quirky lessons for my boys
- khaleef in arab headgear
happenings in dubai
- things i learn about dubai so far
- dubai global village
- dubai marina
- atlantis
- driving in dubai
- sand in my house!
- me in abaya
- summer in dubai
- dubai welcomes winter
my collections
- books!
- tissues, paper serviettes and napkins
- theater tickets & program books
- postcards
- x-files mania
- stirrer, lanyards, bookmarks & themepark maps
- letters from the kiddos
my sisters, and family
and my personal favorites
...also movies, friends and family updates!
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my sis syida wrote in her blogger profile, that she's blogging '..for abah'. living far from friends and families, my concern was exactly that too - blogging for my abah - telling him all about my adventures and mis-adventures of living in dubai. i know he's my biggest fan! hihi.
also, being a mom of 2 boys - there's an endless stuff for you to write on about your precious. their milestones, their mischiefs and mayhem - and all the cute stuff they do. it helps my sisters and mr. khairul's siblings to catch up on their developments.

soon enough, i know i had to do more. i'm living in a foreign land, with lotsa new things to see, new people to meet, new experiences to gain, new tastes and wonders to indulge in. it'd be a crime not to blog descriptively about all the things i did, saw, went to or ate!
rasa rugi tak blog!
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sigh. kids these days are so lucky with so many mommies blogging about their kids. they would know every little thing that happened to them since the moment they were brought into this world. every step, every tear and laughter, every snapshots - well documented for all internet eternity!
wait a sec - so 'lucky' or so 'unfortunate' - haha - since future potential girlfriends and boyfriends would be able to google and get details on their partner's first tooth, first step, first day at kindy or worse - they day they wet the bed!
oh well, let khaleef and kahfi worry about that! i can see it now - "aww mak! boleh delete tak part yang khaleef dah tak pakai pampers tu!"
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click here for a list of 25 best blogs of 2009 by TIME magazine. the list might not include your cup of tea, but it's interesting to know that these blogs are the best and most popular. check it out!

i love to write. and now, i love to blog. here's to another year!
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