ok, i think he started comparitively late - but better late than never! as some of you might already know, khaleef has been off the pampers for quite some time now. as a mom, the day my first born is finally completely off the pampers is truly a day of celebration.
the day he can climb onto the toilet bowl without help. finally learns to go to the toilet by himself. the day he can control his bladder. what a day!
the first time we went to the mall with him not wearing pampers was quite a suspenseful day - haha. but i was so proud of him - when he felt the tingling feeling to pee, he asked, he waited for me to finish my meal, then said, "mak pleaseeee i want to gooooooo.." haha! ok ok ok then he was such a big boy - we walked, looked for a restroom, and he went.
it's all about controlling the bladder. it's all about growing up!

big boys need boxers! and briefs! so we got one for him the other day - his first set of boxers! mr. khairul once told me he's not buying khaleef silly cartoonish boxers or briefs like spongebob, thomas or even spiderman! tak macho. hello, honey - he's four!
so at the end of the day, we still got him a cartoonish boxer - his favourite cartoon character, ben10. call me sappy and silly, but it was a terharu moment. my khaleef is all grown up and wearing boxers!
* * *
when fatigue calls, you honor them with sleep - wherever you may be.
i was busy - in the kitchen, with the laundry - i can't remember. and kahfi as usual was playing either with the toys at the guest room, or by the window looking at passing cars, or with my books by the shelf. he was having flu and coughing, so he's not moving very much.
i come out, saw him taking out my plastic-covered x-files books from the shelves! well, they're hard covered, plastic covered books, and i was going to sit nearby eating breakfast so i figured it'd be fine. i let him play.

in the middle of my breakfast, i looked at him, and he was already in this position - sleeping! eh tadi bukan tengah beria-ia main ke? it's like for one split second he felt sleepy, decided to sleep and just plopped himself on one of the throw pillows.
sukati je nak tido mana!
sigh. at this busy, fast-moving, competitive age, adults should at times emulate this carefree mode babies have, and stop worrying too much!
hahaha, tini punye panties lg cute! girls!! at least your boy proper lg, mine masuk bawah katil!
a ah sure cute.. for girls kan.. pinkish! wow bawah katil? ok, tu mmg power punya nap tu! hihi..
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