last weekend we braved ourselves for a great adventure - FIRST DAY OUT at a mall with all our three boys. did we manage?
well, we're still alive, for one! hihi.
the mall interior
we went to dubai's latest mall, the mirdiff city center - a big, fancy mall kind off like the mall of emirates. the most interesting thing about the mall is probably its claim that it has diaper-changing room even in the men's toilet! coolness.
now dads have no excuse not to be doing it!
it also has the first branch of 'pottery barn' in the middle east! (thanks fairus for reminding me!) it's a popular brand of home furnishing from the usa, and i heard it first in 'friends' - now i can see what's all the fuss about, or why phoebe hates pottery barn!
we headed on to the foodcourt and had chinese food. as usual, foodcourts in dubai would be adorned with fake palm trees in an outdoor-feel environment.
the foodcourt
kazim was asleep the whole time while we were eating. so no unwanted incidents there hihi.
after we're done eating, we bought krispy kreme after constant pestering by mr. doughnut-freak khaleef. yes, without adult supervision, he can eat 4 doughnuts in one seating!

before starting our
jalan-jalan, we stopped by the movie cinestar just to get some caramel popcorn. big, huge one for us, and a small box for khaleef.
wish we could actually go watch a movie. 'clash of the titans' was playing. ouchy!

* * *
aquaplaythen we headed on to 'aquaplay'. a place where i wanted to go ever since i read about this mall's new opening. even before kazim was born.
it's an indoor waterpark, the first of its kind in the middle east - and you don't need swimsuits, you don't need sunblocks and you don't exactly need to get wet.
it's a water-based theme park with rides, a space where kids can learn the mechanism of the water in the rides, and a play-area which is also water-based.
as you can see it has the usual mid-east touch as its interior - palm trees all around! complete with mock beach houses, and white seagulls.
inside aquaplay
each game will cost you from 10aed to 30aed. you need to get a card, and simply swipe it at the particular station you're interested in joining or activities you wanna do.
currently they're running a promotion - buy 'credit' worth 100aed, and get 40aed bonus added into your card. however, the catch was, you need to use this within a month.
we got that one for the boys, and figured we're definitely coming again within this month.

the one i've been eye-ing was this kayak-like boat ride that goes around the aquaplay area through narrow corners and even a small 'ridge' that the kids love the most. the kayak goes slowly up - and then down with a splash!
it looks completely safe, and the kayak moved over knee-high water.
lining up for kayak ride
after a reasonably long queue, the boys finally get their own 'kayak'. mr. khairul helped them into it, and expressedly reminded khaleef to hold on to his younger brother.
he happily obliged.
the boys we ecstatic. frowns of concerns and curiosity at first, but turned into giggly laughter as soon as the kayak moved!

happy happy happy!
as expected, they both enjoyed the part with the ridge - the kayak went up and down with a hard splash that sent kahfi laughing loudly!

* * *
we tried the bumper boats next!
don't judge me - but i have NEVER even been on a bumper car before. really. i have an unexplained fear for bumper cars. the concept just creeps me up. bump cars. stir your way into another stranger's car just to 'hit' them!
if they feel that x-box games like 'grand theft auto' might have bad influence of kids because it's a game about stealing cars, then why hasn't anyone question the influence that bumper cars have on potential road rage-rs? haha.

anyways, since khaleef badly want to, and
kesian kahfi if we don't let him join in too - so i had to 'sacrifice' and overlook my 'fear' by going into the bumper boat with him.
adoi! bole terbalik ke boat ni?but this too, looked positively safe - it doesn't feel like it would topple easily, and the water level was also - just knee-high.
i was impressed at how khaleef handled his boat, with such ease! i spent the entire period trying to chase after khaleef and 'bump' into his boat, as i really don't feel comfortable at 'bumping' on other people!
gelak je the entire time!
nak join abang!
kazim? kazim so
sedih because he wanted to go on the bumper boat too! waaaa! hihi.
the aquaplay area was smaller than i expected, since i read somewhere that a portion of aquaplay was actually currently closed for maintainance. i hope it re-opens by the time we go there for a second experience.
and yes, i think i'd go on the bumper boat again!