kak arin wrote about the importance of keeping physical and eye contact with our kid because just a second off might be too late. read her posting here. like her, i too 'dump' khaleef and kahfi in the shopping trolley while buying grocery. now it's even more mandatory with kazim added to our family.
meanwhile, another friend yus saw the cerekarama with her daughter. interesting enough, though the little girl was worried throughout the tele-movie, but i think in a way it's good that she watched it with her mommy because yus was able to explain, while reminding her daughter what might happen if she strays from her parents. read her posting here.

the comic above might be intended for humor, but there's nothing funny about a kid gone missing. with kak arin and yus's posts, i can't help but going back in time when life was much simpler. and safer.
when i was 5, staying in ttdi, i was often left home alone after kindy - yong schooling, mak and abah working. no worries - my makcho's (abah's eldest sis) house was behind ours. after kindergarten, i will change my clothes at home, then walked to my makcho's house. alone. 5 years old.
leave a 5 yr old kid at home like that for at least 3 straight days, chances are some sick person is gonna 'mark' that kid and make their move.
* * *
still in lower primary school, now in ipoh, i would often walk alone to an apek's house (he made his house into a small grocery shop) to buy chocolates or snacks.
walk alone to ANYWHERE, and that kid is making him/herself an easy, open target.
* * *
upper primary, to go to a newly opened supermarket near my house, i would have to pass by a field of tall lalang as high as myself! now the field had been cleared and shophouses were built.
anyone could've hidden among those tall grass. the kid is as good as gone.
* * *
as kids abah would make it a point to take us to the public library on weekends. abah and mak would just let us walk around the public library looking for books we like.
kids. alone. distracted by books. anything could've happened. even in a library.
* * *
remember when we're younger, everytime the school organized a walkathon, or jogathon, we students can go around the neigbourhood knocking on strangers' doors asking for donation? well, i did that with my neighbour ani. just the two of us. walkin around. 2 girls. barely 13.
ANYTHING can happen. abducted by car while walking. dragged into a house their knocking on. it's good that just a year after, a new policy was enforced - kids cannot go around by themselves to get donations.
* * *
with the same neighbour, we would often wake up really early and jog around a pretty quiet neighbourhood even before the sun is up. to top our session, we had a fun time at the playground. (pagi buta takde orang tak la malu sangat nak main swing ngan see-saw hahahahaha)
are you kidding? it's dark. noone's around. open playground. 2 girls. distracted with playing. we can see where this is going.
* * *
when in secondary school, i had to walk quite a mile to get to a bus-stop to go to school, or ipoh town.
again. easy target.
* * *
we do live in a different 'time' and 'place', our kids and us. nowadays, we can NEVER leave our kid out of our sight, even for a moment - and yes, not just when in a crowded mall - but even while playing in our very own front yard.
there are bad, bad people out there, and they need to know that. do not underestimate our kids' understanding of the world. explain slowly, patiently, in a way they can relate to. what to do, what not to do.
their world in which they're growing up now might be more dangerous than what we've experienced as a child, but trust that they're also much smarter - may Allah protect our children!
i lost safiyyah at alamanda for like 10 minutes......mmg rasa nak meraung kat situ jugak. i was looking at the beads (yg buat choker nama2 tu) and thought she was with her baba. turned around to ask her what colour beads she wanted and she wasnt there. asked her baba and he thought she was with me. asked her uncle and he didnt see her...
masa tu i mmg dah jerit2 calling her, EVERYONE watched and some were helpful enough to shout with me...her uncle found her near the food court (somehow she's really into food) and that was like 35-40metres away.......
masa tu mmg rasa nak sujud syukur kat situ jugak!lepas tu, no more...she'll be in the stroller and we dukung adik or no way she's walking without us holding her hand...
too bad kan........its a pity they cant run and walk around freely anymore but for their safety,a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do.......
take care dear!
Syigim, true...we can never let them out of our sight. Kena selalu ingat never to take things for granted...anything can happen with a blink of an eye.
PS: one of the things yg paling takut sekali...for me lah....when I can't see the girls in front of me while shopping. Goodness, what people will notice most about me when I shop with my kids is my "loud voice" keep screaming at Auni to stay in front of mommy where mommy can see.
yup, very2 true indeed..
zaman kita kecik2 dulu, semua pun takpe..
tapi zaman sekrg, mcm2 benda yang tak terjangkau akal boleh jadi..
mmg stress sampai hari ni tgk cerekarama tu, masa tgh tgk pun stress sgt, tp hati ttp nak tgk sampai habis sbb nak tau apa kesudahan.. yg anak pun mcm paham, dgn dia2 pun terlangut tgk tv sampai sudah..
mmg ada review ckp citer tu ada aura2 citer changeling, based on true story, angelina jolie berlakon as the mother..
mmg sedihla,skg ni banyak sick peoplekan..pyscho betul...even in KL kat linda pakaikan child strip kat tangan the kids tau syigim,orang cakap macam binatanglah apala,tapi kak linda buat bodoh je,sbb mmg rather kak linda nampak macam kejam strip tangan anak,dari menyesal kemudian harikan.. :(
yeen! where ya been? been missing you from the blogosphere lah! bz sgt la tu.. hihi.
berdebar2 baca citer psl safiyyah. ni pun bahaya kan - mom ingatkan with dad, dad ingatkan with mom - last2 tak tau kemane. that happened to me too, yeen.
alhamdulillah xape2 jadi ye yeen. but i think jadi benda ni pun will make us triple aware next time kan. kalo xpenah2 kejut camni, smpai bila pun maybe rilekkk je jln2 right?
yup, we seemed so carefree when we were kids..
ica, haha..psl LOUD voice tu i can soooo relate to you. before this i shopping sorang2 just with khaleef n kahfi, i think everyone dlm store tu tau yg my son's name is khaleef psl asyik terjerit2 je nama dia hahaha..
taking things for granted - guilty! kadang2 just leisurely walking..xtpikir pun benda2 buruk. :(
yus, tu la...when i list out the stuff i can do when i was younger, rase mcm mustahil betul nk kasi anak kita do the same thing, padehal kita dulu bole je slamba klua sorang2 masa kecik.
xpe yus stress...lessons learned! esp for your girl. everytime kalo dia nk lari2 ke kat mall, bole ingatkan dia, right?
i've seen changeling. tp kesian smpai sudah angelina jolie tak jumpa anak dia. rmai kata dah xde, but she kept up hope. maybe mcm parents sharlinie... :(
kak linda, sape yg ckp pakai leash tu mcm buat anak mcm animal pet tu mmg xlive in the current world.
syigim pun guna leash tu. ade 2 lagi. satu yg lekat kat wrist (yg xworkin dah psl budak2 ni pandai plak bukak) n another one ikat kat body mcm parachute. itu mmg puas hati!!!! hihi.....xleh lepas punya! ;)
wrist yang lekat kat tgn tuh pun, kak arin pakai kejap je.terar bebudak nih bukak, pastuh hada hati mau pakai balik.
tapi tuh la,yang selalu kadang2 jadi is misunderstanding between mum n dad.sorang ingt anak ngn dia yang sorang lagi ingat te other way round.mmg naya!
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