dubai shopping festival!
embracing the call, we went to dubai marina mall to check out the place. we've never been there since moving to dubai marina. we were waiting for the mall to fill up with shops and makan place.
The Dubai Marina Mall - as written in my posting on dubai marina
see our neighbourhood mall? just like OU to the peeps in damansara and taman tun, dubai marina mall would be just a stone throw away for us living in dubai marina. it opens just recently - in fact it opened on the 22nd, a day before kahfi's birthday. it's quite a mall - complete with cineplex and children's entertainment area. so if you guys come over, we can head on to marina mall to check out stuff, eh?
it's a 'simpler' mall compared to the larger mall of emirates, dubai mall and less decorative in its interior unlike ibn battutta mall or madinat jumeirah. it serves the basic needs of shoppers - a few branded shops here and there, adequate stalls in its food court and ample space for khaleef to run around. besides, it has a cinema! ok lah tu!
i don't need much from a mall; good food, good entertainment. i could hang here!
i was excited to see that the parking space uses the light system - where a light on top of the parking spot goes red when there is a car parked, and green when it's an empty spot. makes it so much easier to look for a space.
however, mr. khairul anticipated a problem once the mall reaches its full capacity and people would start coming in there might not be enough space! the design of the mall is such that it has a big circly part and that takes up space in the carpark. you make full use of space when you arrange the boxes in straight lines, rather in a circle, right? hopefully the management has counter measures...

we saw lots of boarded up spaces - booked for retails shop opening soon. another thing to notice if you guys go there - are the guards! mr. khairul remarked cheekily that we were at bank negara - the guards, all in dark blue, were all around, many of them, looking alert and straight-faced, watching our every move. you would think the mall is filled with million-dollar items and they're afraid that one of us would scoot off with it - or it looks like a vvvip is coming to dubai marina mall and they're on the look-out for possible assasins.
takde keja lain kot?
we got an awesome 'entertainment' while we're there - i didn't notice it at first until pointed out by mr. khairul (men and models - >rolling eyes<) the models on the platform are real people, not mannequins! we stood staring for a good few minutes just to catch them moving but these gals were really good. macam betul!
the make-up job is excellent too, with the right amount of shine at the right places to bring out the mannequin effect on the models. a lot of other amazed shoppers were taking shots too.
good job dubai marina mall for an interesting display!
this is one of the best thing to look forward to when you visit dubai marina mall - the marina view. it's a long stretch of balcony with tables and chairs that overlooks the marina. it opens up from the foodcourt so you can munch and lunch while watching yatchs pass by or just enjoy the sunshine reflects on the rippling water of the marina. at night you see blinks of lights from nearby apartments, especially the imposing jumeirah beach residence - a great sight!
caught this piece on our way out to the carpark. notice the third one '..refrain from any public displays of affection.' hmm. oh, shoot. and i was about to make-out on the balcony...