when it's hot here, i told myself, malaysia pun panas macam ni kan? i read entries by kak arin and ziah about how hot melaka and kk had been or still is - and yes, i'm right - malaysia pun panas gile jugak!
about early noon i was looking out from my balcony, eyes wandering around - when i stopped and went back to a spot where there were (what seemed to be) a few 'blue lines' on the pavement in front of the apartment next to mine. betul-betul sebelah main road!

they found a comfy semi-oval shade along their 'work station' (they're finishing up on the road construction along the front of JBR and these apartments including mine). quite a sight seeing the men in blue taking naps side by side in one straight row. (this is actually a normal sight in dubai, with construction workers lepaking on the grassy road-side or clearing during break.)
far from family whom they left in their home country, mencari rezeki halal di negara orang. best companions are fellow workers, and any spots in nature is comfortable enough when fatigue calls for it - even hard, stone pavement.
anywhere would do, for a quick nap from the tiring labor and the scorching sun.
don't take your job for granted - enjoy the air-conditioned office and your empuk chair - it could be worse!
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gulf news online did a weather report yesterday:Forecasters predict hot and sunny weekend in the UAE
By Mahmood Saberi, Senior Reporter
Published: April 29, 2009, 13:46
Dubai: It will be hot and sunny over the weekend with the temperature touching 40 degree Celsius during the day and pleasantly warm during the night, according to the Dubai Met Office.
The dry hot wind is blowing from the desert into the UAE from the south east, said the duty forecaster, noting that the temperature is normal for this time of the year.
Early mornings and nights the temperature will hover around 29 degree Celsius and will be "warm and pleasant".-
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incidentally, my mornings must-read star paper also carried a weather report today. so when it's hot over here, i know my fellow malaysians are experience a close encounter with the sun too...
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Sunny days ahead
KUALA LUMPUR: Sunny days are expected from May till September, with temperatures between 30.7 and 34.1 degrees Celcius, said the Meteorological Department.
“It will be the southwest monsoon period. The weather is forecasted to be be sunny compared to other months,” said the department in a press statement.
It added April was a torrid month as it was the intermonsoon period, coupled with the sun being overhead the Equator. The highest temperature recorded from April 1-28 was 36.1 degrees Celcius, said the department - Bernama
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sheesh, i gotta get some shades...