it's a monthly contest with different theme each month, offering a real awesome prize from photobook, where we can download a software from its official site, upload the memorable pictures we want to include in the book, design our own book-cover and the layout of the pictures, save, send to photobook - and they will do the rest!

my in-laws are here for cuti-cuti dubai, and my abah and umi asked them to pass me a parcel - quite big, boxy, light but very intriguing. ape dalam ni?

i ravaged through the plastic cover and saw a cardboard box the size of a fat photo album, protected with bubble wrap.
and then i saw the logo. photobook. OMG my photobook is here!

my heart skipped a beat. i was so excited. i knew this was the photobook that kahfi had won for us for looking so cute in red!

i opened the box, and saw the book - not as thick as i expected but i was too engrossed looking at our picture on a sleek, glossy cover, along with our names subtly bolded across the front cover. lawa jugak ye aku design cover! haha! simple yet satisfying!
i counted.
i managed to squeeze over 500 pictures of the four of us - from the boypren-gopren dating period (which was not too long, barely a year - so tak banyak gamba!) engagement and wedding photos, khaleef, khaleef and khaleef; and the book ended with our adventures in dubai especially with the birth of kahfi.
it's like the most beautiful photobook there ever was! forgive me, but there's a certain feeling of flying on air when you see your own personal pictures that build memories and happy family moments printed and binded in a book-form, with glossy cover, thick pages and all!
thanks so much to little mama of mombloggersplanet for organizing such contest! i now hope a bigger prize is coming my way for the 'cutest baby on the planet' contest...
*wink wink*
Salam Ziarah, Syigim:
Saya baru tahu pasal PhotoBook ni. Selalu jugak tengok iklan dia kat mana2. Tapi baru la ni tau, apa benda nya PB ni.
PS: Sebelum ni tau FB je;-)
Salam syigim, i just get in contact with kak shireen aida..i found out that she's my senior in MRSM Terendak..katanye syigim ni classmate ye?so kita ni satu sekolah la dulu?hihihi..what a small world!!!
**syigim i tumpang promote!
Ustaz, sy pon jual photobook tapi lain manufacturer la..skrg got promotion for Elehgant harcover & Pocket Photobook II at
ustaz, saya pun br tau psl photobook dr mombloggersplanet, bila enter kahfi dlm contest cutest baby tu.
mmg enjoy susun2 gamba n design cover, n tambah2 sonok bila tgk buku tu dah siap! :)
oo jr yeen, eh? bukan skolah, doc cat - classmate @ uia :) same batch takin same course. i methodist skool ipoh ;)
amboi sempat promote produk, eh? silaa...silaaa.... my space is FOC heheh :P
nk check out jgk! ;)
bestnyyer!!!!! nak jugakkK!!
P.S. pasni leh la tambah gamba baby 3rd. I want detail this weekend, tak kira, cam seronok plak bile tau news u nih!! :)
oh..ingatkan satu sekolah..rupenye uni mate kak shireen yea :)..sila2..promosi dah nak abih dah ni :) ade 2 order lagi available
>> fairus, i think MOST of our dubai frens will only find out that day! haha. best kept secret tau! ;)
>> dah tgk ur version of photobook. cantik sgt! like paij188 says, maybe bila dah klua 3rd one ni! ;)
wow cantek sgt..version baru ek pb ni baru tau hehehhe...boleh buat koleksi berderet2 nanti kat bookshelf syiqim :)
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