first, i started coughing around end of december, then subsided. on new year's eve, khaleef had high fever, recovered almost immediately the day after. 3 days later, kahfi experienced worse high fever, and went on and off for 3 days after that. few days ago, mr. khairul has started showing symptoms of blocked nose and sore throat.

at the time of writing :
- mr. khairul is coughing, slightly blocked nose and fatigue
- i am back to coughing, mucus shoved up my nose since last night, and feverish
- khaleef has slight coughing and mild flu,
- while kahfi just recovered from high fever, but still fighting the coughing fit and blocked nose.
:( pardon the lack of postings for the past days! thanks to my honey cookiedough for mixing his special yemen honey drink for my blocked nose. helped quite a bit!
take good care of yourselves, abah, sisters and kawan-kawan!
alaa siannya.. have lots of rest and take care ok. semlm turun dubai for volleyball tourney. alhamdulillah the weather was ok. tp balik terus after that sbb dah habis tenaga
Thanks Allah, we passed that. It's a hell of a month. Get well fast, and take care.
>> ummiluqman, thankful that ade jgk tenaga tu nk join volleyball! :) take care too kalo go outdoors with the winter wind ni :)
>> yup fairus, sian betul kahfi xtido nynyak mlm2. khaleef pun very restless when he had d fever. alhmdulillah skang everyone's gettin better :)
syiqim get well soon...fida pon sama gak ni..tak baik2 lagi ni..blocking nose malam2 terasa susah betul nak bernafas.. huhuhu sib baik budak2 tu x kena kalau x haru lagi
syigim n family....get well soon...
>> tu la fida, sian kahfi.. berbotol2 ubat dia.. tp alhmdulillah gettin better :) mak diorang yg mcm nk demam ni :P
>> thanks ajue :)
get well soon syigim n family!!
Salam dear... i was wondering what happened to you. Take care ye and get well soon!
take care and get well soon.
>> thanks kak arin
>> i hate being this silent, aisha but was feverish last couple o days! :(
>> thanks kak nur. evryone's gettin better now :)
maybe musim peralihan tahun kot. my son oso is having flu.
yup dd lala.. dah masuk winter ni tu yg suma demam-flu-batuk.. glad everyone's getting better n better :)
thanks, wilson :)
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