i forever give credit to my mak for encouraging this reading habits upon her girls, and abah for his never-tiring efforts bringing us to ipoh tun razak library for our weekend books indulgence. i know abah was a very busy man at work, and yet still find time to bring his girls to the library every weekend!
i hope as parents, i too can spare some more time to read with my boys, and mr. khairul would fit a 'library time' in his busy schedule.
with the current rush of technology - mtv, disney channels, x-box and wii - i see that sofia can still steal some time to just sit in a corner, deep in the pages of her book. i hope her nephews khaleef and kahfi followed suit and enjoy indulging themselves in books too!
sofia said she likes enid blyton - as any typical book-bug, a kid definitely need to start with an enid blyton book - or at least read some of them as their first few full-fledge reading. enid blyton is the master storyteller of children's stories, adventures and fantasy.
i think if i see any fairy or goblins story, or a 5-sekawan adventure - it's definitely written by enid blyton. gile la dia tu. ntah berapa ratus buku dia dah tulis!
personally, i don't fancy her asrama stories like malory towers and such - instead, i enjoyed more of her fantasy and made-believe stories - like the wishing chair, and the magic tree with different world in clouds stopping by up the tree.
don't get me wrong - i LOVE enid blyton, but since sofia has already read a lot of blyton's work, it's time to introduce her to another master storyteller of children's stories - roald dahl.
man, enid blyton is like mother teresa compared to this more cooler, quirkier and funnier children book writer!

so i bought her one of my favorite roald dahl's books - 'the witches' for starters, because she's too 'old' for 'the enormous crocodile' which is also my favorite! before she's even done with the first chapter, she's already loving it! well, what's not to like?
the first chapter itself describes how difficult it is to recognize a witch in the street, because supposedly, witches aren't the typical wore-black with brooms and long pointy hat! in fact, witches can look like the lady sitting next to you in the bus, or it could even be your nice-looking school teacher! roald dahl's 'the witches' tells a story of a boy who stumble upon a secret witch convention...
oh well, roald dahl is sofia's new favorite author!
...and mission accomplished!
aisey, I love the enid blyton's asrama series..hehe..reading them made me imagine how my life would be if duduk asrama, and thanks to the Law of Attraction I got into one..haha!
somehow I never read Roald Dahl..perhaps once my son dah besar boleh beli..bagi alasan dia yg nak baca...but actually mama yg teringin..heh!
ms kecik2 dulu suka gak baca citer enid blyton. roald dahl ni 1st time dgr namanya. skrg ni fav author: sophie kinsella. suka cara penulisan dia. selalu ketawa sorg2 bila baca novel2 dia..hehe. author mana lg yg best ek syigim? kdg2 nk beli novel tp tak tau yg mana best
I never did read Roald Dahl as a child. However, I tried to read some of his children's books as an adult, but I was never of the impression that his books were better than those of Enid Blyton. In fact, I preferred reading Roald Dahl's autobiographical exploits during World War II than his children's books. I too grew up reading Enid Blyton's books. I was fascinated by her series such as The Famous Five, Secret Seven, etc, which explains why I decided to write and publish a book on her, titled, The Famous Five: A Personal Anecdotage (www.bbotw.com).
Stephen Isabirye
>> MQ, i highly recommend roald dahl for ur kids! citer dia gile2 n funny! :)
>> nadiah, enid blyton mmg wajib masa kita kecik2! :)
hmm, mmg ramai girls suka baca sophie kinsella. cara penulisan dia mcm dia brckp ngan kita tu yg ramai girls bole relate ngan dia. but i baca satu buku dia - xminat sgt le hihi...
nk rekomen author pun i think minat kita maybe xsama - i suka baca horror - stephen king, and fantasy satire - terry pratchett - 2 ni mmg my fav author trmasuk roald dahl (dia ade tulis buku utk mak budak jgk, bukan budak2je hihii)
hi eni, thanks for dropping a comment. i LOVE enid blyton, but personally i prefer roald dahl. his stories are quirkier - much like me! ;) yes, i too enjoy his adult stories very much because it always has a shocking, unexpected end! try his 'omnibus' - the collection of a lot of his adult short stories :)
masa me kecik2 dulu tak pernah tahu kewujudan roald dahl..dah tua2 ni barulah tahu..akan diserapkan to my boys too along with enid blyton, hardy boys & alfred hitchcock. Syigim, u biasa baca sweet valley twins by francine pascal?
oh, mmg tak sama pun. kite tak suka baca horror novel :p
>> hanz, im sure u'll enjoy even roald dahl's short stories for adults. mmg excellent writing!
sweet valley twins..hmm xminat romance & teens stories psl from kecik2 i prefer horror books - and the ONE n only sweet valley twins book i read belonged to my eldest sis. itupun just try one so that when i say i dont like, at least ive tried! hihi...
nadiah, if you like sophie kinsella, just google 'chick lit authors' or 'chic lit authors' then maybe you'll find other authors yg tulis ala2 sophie kinsella :)
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