but before i reveal the gender, here are some well-wishes via facebook that i would like to keep in memory...thanks everyone!

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so will the boys get a baby sister or a baby brother?
i will tell you a story first :
we just bought a home in the shah alam, right before finding out that we have to move to dubai. it's so sad that it's ready to be occupied, but we're all the way here. my abah is taking care of it for the time being and i just can't wait to go back to malaysia for good to furnish that house!
well, in that house, i have designated two rooms upstairs for my kids. and i told khaleef this :
"if the baby is a girl, then you would have to share a room with kahfi, because the girl would have a room for herself. however, if the baby is a boy, then kahfi has to share a room with the baby boy, so you could have a room all to yourself because you're the big brother."
now, the question is - will khaleef has his own room, or does he need to share? find out in another posting! nyeh nyeh!
cissss..ada sambungan lagi rupa nya!
ceh..syigim ni..potong stim betui...cepatlah cakap..eh cepatlah tulis...:P
i dah agak dah! memang takkan die reveal punye! eh u due bile ekk? sempat x attend birthday falisha? i nak jamu u tau foo fah and satay before u deliver. heheheh..
berteka-teki la pulak dia. entah2 dpt boy & girl..twin kot! hehe
tp kite stick tekaan hari tu..girl. tak sbrnya nk dpt hadiah dr dubai..hahaha!
ooo..dah nak dapat adik rupanya diorang tu...harap2 le princess..
>> hihi kak arin.. bior mcm telenovela espanyola sket hihi
>> kak linda, biase la kasi saspen sket ;)
>> fairus, haha just teasing u guys.. bila nk buat bday falisha?? nk nk nk satay n tau foo fah!!
>> nadiah, definitely single & NOT twins.. hihihi..
>> dbalkis.. ye, kahfi kecik tu pun dah nk jadi abang.. ;)
ermmm boy or girl ekh??
errr tegok perut mama!!!! ahaks ;))
hope u doin very well dear!
take care!
sabar aje syiqim ni kasi suspen je..emm i'm guest mesti girl kot :)
telenovela espanyola kat dubai sure tade kan?cinetron indon jauh sekali..hehehe..take care!
>> nekPP, perut mama tu transparent ke buleh tgk girl ke boy hihihi :P
>> fida, hmm saspen2 la br best hihi ;)
>> kak arin, telenovela espanyola ade - tp dah alihbahse ke arab! :P
sajeeeeeeeeee je ek syigim......
hihi.. yeen biase la ;) once in a while ade element of surprise..
elehhhh i know its a boy a girl! :P
nak sorok2 konon :P
shhh teh. ye ye.. family kak syigim & family along je tau ok. so senyap2 je kang xsurprise :P
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