call it what you want, but since mr. khairul's mom is here, why not take advantage and request my favorite dish from her before she leaves?
i wanted *pengat durian! i LOVE pengat durian. my abah loves it with pulut and santan, but i could eat slices and slices of bread dip in that sweet, gooey, lumpy pengat durian!
* pengat durian is a malaysian dessert made from just durian flesh, coconut milk, water and sugar! throw everything together and wait for it to boil. add pandan leaves to intensify the aroma!
in the end it should look like thick, gooey gravy with durian pulps - perfect as a dip for bread!
* * *
and so my beloved mr. khairul searched far and wide for a nice durian in dubai. found a small thai grocery in karama. and found a packet of frozen durian.

it costs him 30+ dirham (lebih kurang rm30 kita jugak)! and how many ulas durian inside?
just FOUR!
but hey, to get a veteran touch in cooking this dish - priceless, huh?

it was the night that mr. khairul was supposed to send his family to abu dhabi airport to catch the now defunct air-asia dubai-KL flight. however, my mom-in-law sempat lagi whip up a pot of pengat durian, good for days to come!
nak durian jgk! sini pun durian mahal. teringin sgt nak mkn nnt akan beli jgk kot. mmg sedap mkn roti dgn pengat durian. yum yum!
Sedap gile ada durian kat sane! I miss having bubur durian that my mum makes. :-) Kat sini tak jumpa lagi. Happy feasting, dear!
haha.. 2-2 peng-komen ni duk US.. sorang kat nebraska, sorang kat ohio!
>> nadiah, tu la sbb mahal, ni je la skali makan kot.. saje je nk rasa skali. balik msia nanti makan puas2 hihi ;)
>> aisha, happy hunting for durians in ohio!
Hi... just wondering which store did you get the Durian from? :) Thanks
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