hari ni macam nak demam. tapi ngade nak blog jugak. so this will be a short posting.
ok - dubai festival city is a shopping mall, and often a venue for big dubai events like 'dubai film festival', or 'dubai literature fest' and such.
one fine day we went and stumble upon a really amusing event - 'the signspotting project', a free show of the 'world's funniest signs', as discovered by travel writer and photographer doug lansky.

demam sikit.
so just look at the pictures and enjoy the funny signs, ok!

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cute. there's a sign, and underneath is a big rock boulder with explanation of the sign, and where it's taken from.

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to read further on this guy's project on funny sign post, read this feature on gulfnews - click here! to my dubai friends, i'm sure the 'exhibition' is still going on, so head on to dubai festival city to have a little laugh!
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ok. demam. nak makan, and tido balik.
take care syigim. minum air banyak2!
take care and get well soon!
lawak lah! pegi tgk 'tooth fairy' nanti, nak g tgkla sign ni sekali.
take care ye syigim!
>> thanks kak arin & fida :) alhmdulillah dah ok sket pagi ni!
>> go fairus, mmg lawak n sonok jln2 smbil gelak2 baca sign :)
Untuk harga emas jongkong dan lain-lain yang hebat sila hubungi saya di goldman999.9@hotmail.com.
Harga lagi murah daripada Habib, Poh Kong dan dealer2 lain. Bekalan antarabangsa.
Rebat tunai segera RM 1,000 hingga RM 1, 500.
Terima kasih.
syigim, syok arr ada snow turun..nak gi tgkler cam gitu..
alamak keciknya tulisan. yg kat signposts bolehla baca. kat Msia pun banyak juga signposts yg pelik2 kan. NI kes literally translating from their mother tongue to English.
>> incik goldman, dilarang berniaga di sini ye :)
>> sheila, salji invisble kot :P
>> kak nur, mamat tu bole la buat collection funny signage kat msia pulak! :)
Alamak macam mana I bole miss this sign show. Padahal rumah I dekat je dgn DFC.
syamsulfaiz, rumah u dekat so u dah slalu sgt pegi dfc mcm gi kedai runcit kot... tu yg xperasan ;)
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