really, it happens all of a sudden! one day he wakes up and there they are - all in a row! actually there's another pair coming out from each side of the upper gum - like really tiny, blunt fangs!
congrats on your new set of teeth, kahfi!

(to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")
Here's my toothpaste
Here's my brush
I won't hurry, I won't rush.
Working hard to keep teeth clean
Front and back and in between
When I brush for quite a while
I will have a happy smile!
(to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")
Here's my toothpaste
Here's my brush
I won't hurry, I won't rush.
Working hard to keep teeth clean
Front and back and in between
When I brush for quite a while
I will have a happy smile!
yeay....happy happy for kahfi
and what a charming smile he has there....errr, isn't that a bit like Mr Kerol's? baru ader dua btg gigi...takat nih, aksi ganas geget lom lg..
>> yes, pakpayne. A BIT like mr khairul's but A LOT like mine ;)
>> kahfi penah crawl2 pehtu gigit jari kaki! adoi! ape dia ingat dia kucing ke! :P
wah..mmg mereka kdg2 tumbuh gigi in son...dah tumbuh semua gigi depan termasuk gigi taring, then gerham atas...last week on monday baru perasan yg gusi bawah dia dah bengkak sikit..then i thought hmm..mybe mggu dpn (minggu ni) gigi dia akan tumbuh on Wednesday bila dia ketawa baru perasan yg 2 gigi gerham bwh dia dh tumbuh sepenuhnye..hmmm..cepat jugak ek??
kn, mmg budak2 ni grow up too quick. rasa mcm br bawak balik dr hosp, skang dah nk try2 berdiri :)
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