- my youngest sis azi just finished her exams. had a long list of to-dos which includes the possibility of coming to dubai. att : abah!
- my sis syida is currently 'enjoying' a super hot summer in melbourne, while busy packing stuff to go back to msia on the 22nd. safe journey, babe!
- mr. khairul's youngest sis sofia bagged 1st place in her school as the exam results are out. congrats, girl!
- mr. khairul's sis teh would be flyin on a plane closer to us - cairo! she'll be doin dentistry at al-azhar uni. good luck and expect a pestering bro comin your way soon!
- my mak's bro, uncle nani passed away few days ago. al-Fatihah.
- i have yet to get my goreng pisang. sigh.
i have a secret that i am waiting to share. *snicker*
ok. what else is new?
Hi Syigim,
We have never spoke or met before but I am an ardent fan of your blog. I read it everyday and Khairul always tells me, "please leave comments". Normally I don't but decided to do it today. You write very well dear and it is always a pleasure to read your blog ..... you know if we are crazy about "drama berseri" always want to know what is next ..... it's the same for your blog. Reading it for a year now, I seem to know alot about you and your family, friends,etc.etc. Your blog is full of fun .... please keep on writting ... don't stop. Anyway, I think I know your secret .... congratulations dear .... do take good care of yourself yah. Till we meet some day ...
Best regards,
are u pregnant?congrats dear...ciannya tak dapat lagi makan goreng pisang,semalam baru je kak linda buat,belilah pisang kat karama market atau lulu,kat situ selalu ada pisang utk goreng,kalu nasib baik dapat pisang tanduk lagi.
take care tau..
congrats, dear!
>> hi sandra! ur so sweet! u dont know how much ur words mean to me! :) khairul did tell me about your 'visits' to my blog & ur 'comments' in his emails. there's nothin more encouragin then knowin my written words are appreciated!
thanks for the well wishes. do keep on droppin by! :)
>> kak linda, baru dpt pisang! tp lawaknye both me n khairul mmg not sure pisang ni bole buat goreng ke. haha. nk main goreng je la pagi ni! :)
>> owh kak arin, kak linda - yes and yes. *wink wink* ye? tekejut? me too! :P
wah,nnt update tau..bp lama dah?
>> jom ym, kak arin! ;)
Congrats Syigim.......hope it goes well....so beranak sana ke sini???i know you dont mind but i hope it's a lil girl hehehe (aku plak yg lebih2).....bukan apa, boleh tolong mak dia masak nanti.....
>> thanks yeen! :) yah, i dont mind but like you most ppl hope it's a girl ;) kalo girl i finally get to buy those cute gowns i've been eye-ing. kalo boys, bole diorang buat boyband haha :P
deliver sini. yeap! another dubai baby! ;)
i'm a fren of ur sister, syima...love ur blog so much, as i read it everyday... please don't stop writing, okay? promise!!
hi 'fren-of-syima'! thanks so much for your nice words. :) i LOVE writing so it will be most unlikely for me to stop blogging. do come and drop comments more often ok :)
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