gile glamour! haha.
how bout did year? my sis syidot in melbourne, buddies niraku in UK, aisha in US, hani in korea and wai in sydney - didja guys send in your raya picts to salam perantauan at utusan online?
i didn't, but - well, khaleef and kahfi did! click here to see their raya well-wishes!

..or i'll just cut and paste it here!
Nama Pengirim: Khaleef Bin Khairul dan Kahfi Bin Khairul
Lokasi Pengirim: Dubai, Emiriyah Arab Bersatu (United Arab Emirates)
Nama Penerima: Atuk Ipoh dan Opah Umi (Hj Sharifuddin dan Pn. Raihan) beserta Atuk Kg Lalang dan Opah (Hj Anwar dan Hjh Norazian) dan ibu dan bapa saudara - Mak Long Syimee, Auntie Ma, Pak Ngah K, Auntie Da, Mak Su Azi, Auntie Na, Ateh, Pak Su Asrar dan Auntie Sofia. Tidak dilupakan abang dan adik saudara (cousins) - Abang Haiqal, Abang Haqeem, Sufiyya, Husna, Marissa dan Wafa.
Lokasi Penerima: Ipoh dan Kampung Lalang, Perak.
Ucapan: Bila menjamah lemang, ketupat dan rendang, ingat-ingatlah kami adik beradik, mak dan bapak (Syigim dan Khairul) di tanah arab ini! Kami minta ampun dan maaf zahir batin, semoga aidilfitri kali ini tetap meriah walaupun pertama kali berjauhan dengan keluarga tercinta!
Pengenalan Gambar: Khaleef (baju biru gelap - 4 tahun) dan Kahfi (8 bulan)
got some raya picts of mr. khairul's family in kg. lalang and my family in ipoh to share with you, my friends and fellow bloggers!

raya was incomplete on the first of syawal at kg lalang, as their big brother 'along' wasn't there to share their joy and merriment. tears flow down as a call came around 10am dubai time from the anak yang merantau. isk isk. they could never get used to not having their along around, even though this is the 5th year mr. khairul celebrated raya abroad, way back since his michigan and chicago days.
but no matter, i'm sure it's still as meriah, especially since it's the first raya they welcome their first grand-daughter and niece; wafa (whose adorable face is somehow more 'gangster' and intimidating than the ever tersengih kahfi!)
raya at my in-laws place would be missed, as it really gives the feel of kampung raya with sounds of ayam and kambing in the wee morning and cengkerik concerts in the middle of the night.
selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin. tahun-tahun depan kami cuba balik raya!
as you might already know, abah celebrated his 62nd birthday on the first of syawal. when i called to wish abah at 3am dubai time, he didn't even remember it was his special day!
i thank God for another year with abah, may Allah lanjutkan usia abah and grant him happiness and the best of health!
love always!

this is the raya family potrait of my eldest sister syimee, her husband abg mat and her kiddos - haiqal syahid, haqeem syukran and aisyah husna. hmm, interesting choice of color this year, yong - salmon pink for your boys, eh?
the kiddos' expression really showed their characters - haiqal the eldest with his composed, 'abang' look, haqeem the family clown in his cheeky pose while husna takes on her mama - expression control senyum sebijik macam yong lah!
miss you guys so much!

family of scientists - this is my younger sister syima, her husband din and their girls - sufiyya syafiqah and the newly born marissa marha. syima had just finished her confinement period, and i'm sure she's just started to enjoy raya dishes right now.
i was glad marissa was born 2 days before i was scheduled to fly off back to dubai - so i met the new addition to our family before i go.
miss the two princesses!

did you know azi spent last year's raya with syida in melbourne? she flew all by herself to the land down under and lepak-lepak with syida for the first few weeks of raya.
sometimes i think my two youngest sisters are more independent and adventurous during their college years than i ever was.
missing you both syidot and azot!
to the rest, continue to have a fun-filled syawal! saving the best for last, here's the clip taken from yong's facebook, of her two boys, haiqal and haqeem wishing me and their aunty da a happy hari raya. enjoy!
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