i LOVE mandi rice. i started this love affair since i started living in dubai in 2008. there’s something about it – smooth beads of rice without too much spices, juicy tender crimson-colored chicken, spiced lamb meat that’s easily torn off its bones – an explosion of taste in your mouth.
this humble dish originated from yemen; and i wish i could visit yemen one day to taste the original mandi rice made by the locals.

happy hungry abah @ zamzam arabic restaurant enjoying mandi rice
this short posting is written just for this picture haha.
i got it from my sister syida’s facebook page. abah, umi and my sisters had mandi rice at zamzam arabic restaurant at section 9, shah alam. this is by far, the best presentation of nasi mandi i’ve seen in an arabic restaurant in malaysia. all these while it’s simply lump of rice with chicken on the side, on a normal dinner plate.
now this – it’s served in a huge dulang, with all the lauk (chicken and lamb meat) together on top of the rice instead of individually served on plates. looks authentic. looks like the real thing. looks mighty delicious too!
youngest sis azot, umi and abah
looks like the one in dubai, but does it taste like the one in dubai? my sister said abah even confirmed that it’s “..as good as in dubai!” ok, i shall confirmed this statement when i try it myself!
my sisters : syimot & syidot
this is not a paid posting (though i should get some kind of free-meals coupon ke ape ke kan hahaha) but i guess if you take my abah’s word for it, go to zamzam arabic restaurant at section 9 shah alam to try mandi rice that’s “as good as in dubai!”
nape die panggil nasi mandi? my son pernah nampak sign board nasi mandi, die ckp nasi tu kene mandi dulu baru bleh makan O_o
Believe it or not but i have never eaten mandi rice.
Even when i go to kl i still didn't get to try one.
Maybe one day....
TQ for sharing.Must try this Mandi rice when I happen to be in Shah Alam.Yummy yummy.
saya dekat sini kalau dah ada orang kata sedap wajib try :) - baru perasan restoran tu a few weeks ago but belum berkesempatan pg lagi
Kalau ada rezeki InsyaAllah saya pon nak cuba
kite cerita kat mak kite pasal nasi mandi (syigim punya penangan la ni!)...mak kite pun excited nak cuba. pastu jumpa kedai arab kat sana ada jual nasi mandi...terus cuba. mak ayah kite kata sedap. kite yang beria2 nak makan...mak ayah kite dulu yang dapat rasa. huhu. sini takde nasi mandi! huwaaaa...
Mesti xsbr nk balik Malaysia nk g try nasi mandi tu..hehe
>> fara, 'mandi' ni CARA masakan ayam/daging tu. dipanggang dlm lubang kat padang pasir - ni cara lama. tu yg dipanggil 'nasi mandi'. hahaha... tp cara moden kena mandi dulu br makan ye? haha
>> lil sharky, i've never eaten mandi rice too before i came to dubai hihi. it's just that now mcm dah a craze pulak in msia to eat nasi arab, wear abaya arab... hihi do try it - mmg sedap sgt!
>> wawa, salam. i myself tak pernah try this mandi at shah alam. tp my abah ckp sedap mcm di dubai. hihi. do try n see yummy ke tak ;)
>> ermayum, cuba rasa n blog la sedap ke tak sedap ok ;)
>> nurbeena, skang ni byk sgt restoran arab di lembah klang, cyberjaya tu. melaka pun ade. pilih je mana suka :)
>> nadiah, sana ade restoran arab kan? tp xde nasi mandi ye? alalala.. bila nadiah nk blk msia ni, mesti try tau!
affieza, di dubai ni dah ade yg paling sedap hihi ;) tp memang nk cuba yg di shah alam ni sbb abah dah ckp rasa mcm di dubai ;)
Wah Mandi rice originally dari Yemen ye. Kitaorang baru try satu restaurant kat sini yang jual mandi rice, and it was really good! Teringat kat you masa makan. He he he he. Owner dia Arab; he said he specially flew the oven from his home country to make it, tapi tak tau seauthentic mana dish dia.
aisha, soooo sweet of you to think of me hihi.... glad you tried, and glad you liked it!!! logic jugak that owner flew his own oven sbb mandi rice is all about the WAY the rice is cooked, not so much the ingredients. i wish u had blogged about it!
blog tau!
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