at the time of writing, mr. khairul is on his superbike across the desert towards yas island abu dhabi to watch the world’s biggest hard rock band in action – the metallica. they’ll be performing at yas arena abu dhabi as part of their world magnetic tour.
that’s the same place mr. khairul and i went to see stevie wonder early this year. click here to read my review on the concert.
adoi, tak sangka laki aku minat heavy metal.

the only thing i know about metallica is that their songs all sound like someone is trying to make their voice sound really scary, and then sing with that voice.
warrrggggh. warrghhh. all the way.
but i’m not totally ignorant, ok. at least i know ‘enter sandman’! hihi. the guitar plucking-intro is legendary to rock fans everywhere.
but again, tak letih ke nyanyi jerit-jerit macam tu?

nways, enjoy metallica, honey cookie. please come back all sane ok. i’ll have the cough syrup and lozenges ready since you’re most probably gonna lose your voice…
saya pun x sngka mr k suka metallica..huhu...zaman muda2 sekolah2 dulu minat jugak..hope he enjoys it..!
Romour has it that Metallica will be coming to KL in Dec11... fingers cross!
>> amirah pun minat jgk ke! minah metal wohhh hahaha ;)
>> hang pun mat metal ke.. yah heard d gossip jgk but dgr2 dah cancel, n they're doing the concert at spore instead.. better check the latest update!
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