thanks for this little reminder!

1. What is your first do’a or Quran in the morning?
alhamdulillah for another day in God's green earth.
2. What is your last doa or Quran for the night?
doa sebelum tido.
3. What is your favourite surah in the Quran?
yaasin, and surah al-kahf.
4. What is your favourite Islamic hobby?
trying to be an understanding wife, and patient mak
5. What do you live for?
for me, so i may be - yes - an understanding, loyal wife and patient mak!
6. What is your greatest indulgence that is Halal?
my greatest indulgence would definitely be - mandi rice? haha.
7. What is your worse fear?
death in the family.
8. What makes you angry most?
i smile, but they don't. i speak politely, but they don't. how hard is it to speak politely while smiling?
9. What is your inspiration to be a better Muslim?
my abah
10. What is your best Islamic habit?
saying praises to Allah whenever i see anything beautiful (because it's His creation), shocking (because i'm thankful it did not happen to me) or whenever i look at my boys. *smile*
11. What can you do to make Muslims better?
make sure my boys are brought up well - bismillah before eating, or alhamdulillah when they burped!
12. If you had a million dollars what Islamic charity would you give to?
give it to the palestinians.
Tag 5 Muslimahs to do this.
kak arin
tag memang selalu ada, tapi tag ni mmg bagus n lain dari yg lain :) mengingatkan kita siapa kita sebenarnya di bumi Allah ni :)
p/s: Jemput le ke blog saya untuk tengok katalog pra ramadan pada harga terendah.. comey2 ooooo......
tag ni pun kita masih hutang kat kak lina :)..
you know me and tags kan? but I do agree it is a very good tag :)
syigim..thanks nanti bebila lapang fida buat :)
1st time jumpa tag ni kat blog kak lina la. tq syigim sbb sentiasa ingat kat kite. mkn sedap2 jgn lupakan kite lak ek :D
p/s: septtnya kena panggil syigim kakak, kan? rs mcm kurang ajar pulak..huhu. nnt slow2 tukar ek..dah terbiasa panggil nama je
>> tupperware lover, betul. tag lain byk suka-suka, fun & klaka. tapi tag ni mmg buat kita terfikir. :)
dah tgk blog. best la! nk satu set tupperware tu! nk buh kuih raya nanti hihi...
>> hidayah, u marinate the tags first, eh? haha.
>> fida, balik dr pangkor nanti bole buat ye...hihihihi
>> nadiah, mestila ingat kat umi comel kat nebraska niii.. hihi.
ish xkisahla...xde kurang ajar pun. kalo panggil 'kak' tapi ckp kasar2 pun buat pe kan. xpe...lagipun kita akan terasa muda mudi lagi le hihihihi
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