sounds familiar?
karangan autobiografi right? i enjoy writing this type of karangan. something surreal, original and make-believe. often during UPSR, PMR or SPM, i seldom (almost never, actually!) choose something factual to write about. i almost always choose a karangan about something i could just fashion from the depths of my imagination.
i was thinking about this type of writing, and how i could write about a blog's point of view for my latest article on mombloggersplanet. wanna go inside a blog's head? click the picture to read!

these days do the kids still need to write this kind of karangan? if yes, perhaps, rather than 'aku sebatang pen' or 'aku sebuah kereta', it's probably 'aku sebuah konsul x-box' or 'aku sebuah tetikus' or 'aku sebuah telefon bimbit'! hihi.
dahbaca pun kat MBP buletin. best arhh.. mane dapat idea? talentedlah u nie
karangan ni mmg perlu ada daya imaginasi yg tinggi. U definitely have that!
u are gifted syigim. that is something that cannot be denied.
>> CikLilyPutih, thanks for ur support & komen yg best2! hihi :)
>> kak nur, mmg dr kecik imaginasi tinggi! hihi...
>> fairus, thanks for d sweet words! :) really means a lot! :))
Aslmkm Syigim.
Mohon maaf kerana lewat berkunjung balas ... mula bz, pastu dah terlepas pandang pulak! Maaf bbyk ye!
Tq di atas ziarah tempuhari, & jgn pula serik utk dtg lg nnti.
Jika Syigim mmg byk ideas & kreatif, ya teruskan saja mengejar cita2 ... Kak G dulu memuda layan juga perasaan, tp basically I'm more of the very practical type ... but still imaginative & creative ... :)
Rajin Syigim ni menulis..Saya dah award awak with Beautiful Blogger award..Check it out ya..
>> welcome, kak G. thanks for droppin a comment! :) mmg jadi creative ni fun! bole bayang mcm2 hihi..
>> dbalkis, yay dah lama xdpt award! :) thanks! nanti amik ;)
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