many happy wishes to mr. khairul's younger brother, kay who got his first baby yesterday. mr. khairul himself gets to be a first-time uncle, ye pak long? congratulations to the new parents and welcome to the new baby girl, little 'hami wafa'.
after khaleef and kahfi, here's the new addition to cucu-cucu atuk anwar and opah yan. congrats again!
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speaking of being uncles and aunts - i'm a seasoned aunt, having been one since 2002! to date i have 2 nephews and 2 nieces. another one is on the way. inilah pulak cucu-cucu podin!
- haiqal syahid - yong's 1st - 7yrs old
- haqeem syukran - yong's 2nd - 6yrs old
- khaleef - my 1st - 4yrs old
- sufya syafiqah - syima's 1st - 3yrs old
- aisyah husna - yong's 3rd - 1yr old
- kahfi - my 2nd - 4mnths old
- (coming soon - to be determined) - syima's 2nd

haiqal, haqeem, cuya and nuna skyping with khaleef in dubai whenever they have the chance. just recently we skype and haiqal demonstrated his taekwando moves LIVE, having received the yellow belt in his first ever taekwando exam. good going, kid!
these are atuk podin's grandsons; my nephews haiqal and haqeem. they have sleep-overs at atuk's house, watch tv the second they wakes up and have fun fights while dressing up as their favorite ben10 aliens.
boys will be boys.
now these are atuk podin's grand-daughters; my nieces cuya and nuna. cuya was more reserved and malu-malu when i left for dubai, but stories attested that she's becoming more cheeky and outgoing - should be, since she'll become a big sister soon!
nuna was born a few months ahead of kahfi, now already confidently walking and exploring! i doubt that she remembers me, but there's time to make up for it this coming july!
aunty gim is comin to pinch your chubby wubby cheeks!
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to all these kiddos - see you all in july! prepare for a lot of ice-cream time, hugs and cheek-pinchin actions!
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