an entire awesome animated movie made of lego called – duuh – ‘the lego movie’, ‘rush’ an adrenalin-rush drama about two formula 1 race car drivers in the 70s, the intense drama of a dysfunctional family in ‘august-osage county’, and an original love story of the hi-tech era in ‘her’.
today I want keropok ikan and sos linggam while watching movies. make it happen.
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call it a shameless extended advertisement of the already extremely popular LEGO brand, but this movie is simply – AWESOME. yah, admit it – you’re hooked on that song too. because everything is awesome in ‘the lego movie’! everything is awesome!
the first few minutes were awkward for me because it reminds me of the countless lego homemade videos my boys watch on youtube. by the time the character emmet say ‘good morrrrning city!’ it was all jaw-dropping visuals from then on. EVERYTHING was lego. bubbles in the shower. smoke from the cars. dust in the desert. awesome.
as fans of lego, my boys were ecstatic of course; but the lego movie is totally enjoyable for the parents too – the one-liners are so funny; and mr. khairul and I had fun trying to recognize the famous voices as the characters. (we did not read ANY review or promo on this movie before watching so we didn’t know channing tatum was superman!) we totally got morgan freeman the moment he started speaking; liam neeson was a close second, and after awhile we figured out president business was will ferrell. awesome.
the lego movie has a predictable yet smart storyline, which is totally forgivable with all the hilarious lines and cool characters! watch it in 3D. so enjoyable. so awesome.
everything is awesome!
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never have I thought that a movie about race cars would be so interesting for me. I totally LOVE this movie. ‘rush’ is set in 1970’s glory days of formula 1 racing, a film based on a true story of a sporting rivalry between two great race car drivers; james hunt and niki lauda – and that fateful incident that change both of their lives.
it goes beyond racing; it’s about calculating risks or thread on despite it, how we deal with losing and winning, how we face adversity and rise against it – it’s about how we live life.
james hunt lives carefree, because he knows he’s good no matter what; and what good is all those awards and recognition if he didn’t have a little fun? meanwhile niki lauda lives carefully, even when he’s in a profession where everytime he goes to work, it could be his last. these two racecar drivers have different personalities but one thing is the same – their passion for speed.
hemsworth (you know him as thor!) is such a hunk, and it helps that he’s also talented in bringing james hunt to life so well in this movie. bruhl plays niki lauda (you remember him from inglorious basterds) deserves the award accolades he has received for this character – he was so convincing as niki lauda that I became so engrossed in the movie, and in his life.
this movie was premiered in front of an audience of current formula 1 racecar drivers, the managers and people in the field – with standing ovation and applause. even the real niki lauda approved of this movie and quoted as saying it’s ‘almost entirely accurate’.
personally I just love the heart of the movie; what goes between the lines in sports, rather than just for medals and trophies. the close-up shots of the speeding cars and rolling tyres are just amazing. you don’t need to be a formula 1 fan to enjoy this movie. you just need to see it. the sporting rivalry that is legendary.
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watching ‘august: osage county’ I’m thinking, this could easily be JUST another drama about a dysfunctional family with all sorts of repressed anger, mother-father issue, scandals unearthed and secrets untold. something we have seen in countless soaps and made-for-tv movies. or daniel steele’s books. haha.
but the script was fantastic (it’s based on a play) and of course, presented by a powerful cast of oscar-winning actors – mainly the amazing meryl streep and julia roberts. the rest of the cast is just wonderfully dysfunctional too.
mom has cancer, dad just killed himself. so the daughters all came back to their hometown to nurse dear old mom. one has serious marital problems with a defiant teenage daughter; one brings home her man-of-the-week, and another one who stays with the mom has a secret affair. in the course of few days, all hell broke loose.
if you don’t like drama, you might find it boring – mr. khairul said, “banyak bercakap je!” haha because the speeches tell stories. the lines spoken tell us the history, the love, the hatred; future and past.
all I’m saying is, only a group of talented actors such as this assemble can keep your attention long enough to feel the lines and enjoy the movie. I did. especially that dinner table scene.
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‘her’ is an original, but not totally far from reality. a love story that goes beyond physical attraction. a love that some of us has experienced through chat rooms – not having met, not knowing what the person looks like – but found yourself falling in love with this person that you’ve been chatting with. loving the things they say, the way they say it, falling in love with their hopes and dreams, their likes and dislikes. falling in love with who they are rather than what they look like.
it’s the future, and it’s near. everyone is talking to themselves on the street – checking their schedule, answering emails, all using their personalized operating system. just imagine SIRI, on a larger, more brilliantly personalized scale – who can talk and have feelings and thoughts like an actual human being – not just when asked, or not just to reply ‘there are 5 mcdonalds in your area, 2 are fairly close to you” – but talking to you like your personal secretary.
and one man found his operating system strangely engaging, charming and ‘beautiful’, and falls in love with HER. joaquin phoenix plays the sweet, shy, romantic guy and scarlett johansson is the voice of HER. amazing that great actors can have such powerful chemistry without even being in same room physically.
HER reminds us the importance of connection – that all everybody wants is to connect – to someone they are most comfortable with. and even when it’s a mere machine; an operating system that cannot run away and leave – when there’s a connection, there can also be detachment.
a must-see.
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