isn't it nice to see malaysian food sold at a hypermart overseas? what more when you see other expats and even locals buying the food and trying them out. i'm not sure how long they will be having this food 'galore' but for now i'm definitely going to get me some of that pretty soon!

this shot was taken by my dubai friend kak moi at lulu barsha. visit her blog!
there's also a FELDA product exhibition and sale at mushrif mall, abu dhabi happening now until 3rd of march. check it out!
lulu? seriously sgt comey!!
amirah, masa kak first time denga pun mcm lawak. :)
tu harga sepinggan ke? boleh tahan mahal jugak.
syigim...tapi serious frozen karipap by felda tu sedap... kmoi dah berkali2 ulang alik lulu...beli buat stock..he..he..
>> kak nur, mahal, but u've been living in kiwi land kan, penah ade jualan msian foodstuff mcm ni? ;)
>> kak moi, nk pegi sgt tp khairul ni asyik bz maybe going this weeknd nk beli karipap jugakkk!
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