Sunday, April 11, 2010

Old Boys Weekend : Dubai '10

i'm drugged, held at gun-point and forced to write this entry. haha. (if not because of my abah being an MCKK old boy too (leman hse '65), i wouldn't have agreed!)

it's that time of year again when old boys from the malay college kuala kangsar (MCKK) gather at their school for the yearly anticipated event - the old boys weekend (OBW). this is the time of year when sports activities, sales of the MCKK paraphernalia and mini concerts involved not just the present students, but old boys especially - a lot of them holding tan sri and datuk titles.

again, the speret koleq swept all the way to the middle east, when the old boys residing in the uae also had their own little version of the OBW, last friday.

the ol boys in uae, with the burj al-arab in the background

no football matches, or aging dudes playing electric guitar here - but it was a little borak-borak session over grilled chicken, arab bread and hummus, with the view of the burj al-arab.

i didn't join the gathering like last year for obvious reasons (duuh!) and a few more of the mckk old boys also had to miss this one because they were currently in malaysia for a break. in fact, one of mr. khairul's batchmates, kamil went back to join the water polo event in the actual OBW at kuala kangsar!

bro ikmal, bro hassanal, bro zaim, bro faisal and mr. khairul

last year, they had the OBW '09 at my favorite mandi restaurant al-tawasol. read about last year's OBW here.

i was surprised that organizer mr. khairul decided to change the venue to 'chalet' in jumeirah - because personally to me, the sit-on-the-floor-crossed-legged element of al-tawasol is what brings out the festivity of OBW in dubai!

they had the OBW '09 there, as well as the berbuka and the farewell makan-makan with uncle spice '76 who went back to malaysia for good last year.

nevertheless, according to mr. khairul, this OBW '10 held at 'chalet' was still a meaningful, albeit small gathering!

and 'chalet' is by no means a less-than-yummy makan spot. in fact, it has one of the most delicious charcoal grilled chicken you can find in dubai. ultra-juicy and affordable! check out my review of 'chalet' here.

mr. khairul thanks ardent supporters of mcoba dubai gathering like bro faisal and bro zaim, as well as bro hassanal. not to forget bro ikmal who came all the way from ras-al-khaimah, and for belanja-ing the 'boys' this time around.

to more OBWs @ UAE in the coming years - 'clink! clink!' (next year buat kat al-tawasol balik tau!)

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