Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lobster Dinner Date With Buddies

nothing like a great dinner with great friends; especially in this great weather dubai is having! it was really cold that day, because it rained non-stop from that afternoon till late at night, but the steaming grilled seafood made up for it all.

last few weeks, we met up with our malaysian friends in dubai; abg imran & kak zaida, and abg faisal & kak mira, together with abg nazli. we went to the chalet at jumeirah, because *someone* wants lobster!



ladies : kak mira in black jacket, me & kak zaida all snuggled up under the fleece wrap.



the dudes : from left abg faisal, abg imran in red, mr. khairul & abg nazli


with my dear kak zaida. kak zaida was the one who took khaleef and kahfi under her roof when i was due to deliver kazim. if it weren’t for her, mr. khairul would not have the liberty to be by my side throughout the labor. with her 3 girls and youngest baby boy, khaleef and kahfi were more than happy to join them at her home!

we could never thank you enough abg imran and kak zaida!



in truth, THIS is the reason for the sudden occasion! satisfying a craving for lobster! mr. khairul and i had actually tried this very dish with my abah and umi not too long ago when they were here. click here for my review.

on that day, however, kak zaida made it a point to ask for medium well next time. the first round of lobster that we got was too well done that it lacks the juicy delight! so when you go, be sure to ask for medium well for the lobster!



my humble plate


i let kak zaida korek-korek all the lobster she can eat, because i know she was the one who really wanted the lobster, and i’m not such a fan (actually i’m not a fan of seafood at all! the only fish i like is ikan keli!) it’s okay, i can take whatever that’s left! hihi.

* * *

we don’t always see each other, but it’s nice to catch up once in awhile, and have adult conversations that’s NOT with my own husband! hihi. kak mira only brought her youngest son, kak zaida left all 4 kiddos with their nanny, and i only brought kazim. khaleef and kahfi were at home with my sister-in-law teh.

no unnecessary noise, no annoying demands and no off-putting running here and there! it was just 7 adults and a kid (who barely make any sound) – so it really was, essentially, a grown-up get-together! PEACE!

it’s surely a change from having been around 3 little tots all the time, with conversations ranging from “what kind of alien is ben10 changing into” to “why i must mandi?”

let’s do this more often!


  1. jealousnya.... i am stuck with lauk pantang and terliur tengok the lobster....:)

  2. salam syigim - sedapnya itu lobster..ruginya tak suka seafood :)

  3. >> ica, lauk pantang pun sedap, ok! hihihi... i don't mind eating gulai kosong with ikan bilis only! :)

    habis pantang nanti suruh ujang cari lobster ok! :)

  4. >> kak lina, lobster tu mmg sedap khabarnye hihi. cuma saya mmg tak gemar :)

    sama rugi kalo org tu xsuka durian kot kan... hihi

    >> amirah, mmg yummy pd org yg suka seafood! :)
