Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bday Wishes From My Sisters

of course, my birthday would not be complete without the well-wishes from my sisters!

my eldest sis yong posted a video of her ADORABLE kiddos singing me a happy birthday song. aunty gim LOVES it very much! i haven't seen husna for so long, i can't believe how 'grown up' she looks now!

and her big brothers haiqal, haqeem - with their usual crazy antics!

okeh, got the embed code from yong already, now i can annoy you people with their singing too! hihi.

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my younger sis syima uploaded a picture of us together as kiddos! oh wow! where did you dig this up! it's one of the coolest birthday surprises today!

this is probably taken at our old house in taman tun, which makes me around 5-6 years old? yeap. that's me in the ayu baju kurung tapi bertepek bedak! hihi.

sigh. i'm so cute. i'm cute then, and still cute now. (it's my birthday, i can say whatever i want! gimme a break lah! hihi)

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syida gave me a cute animated 'card' last year, and i knew i'm gonna get another gorgeous-ly edited picture from her. thanks syidot! (although i think you chose that picture because YOU look particularly cute in it, and Yang macam ter-enter frame je!)

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...and this one from my youngest sister azot. thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you!

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now where's my cake?


  1. Happy birthday to u Syigim... seronoknya walau miles apart macam2 dah dapat hadiah...

  2. >> thanks nad :) dah jauh mcm ni, gamba2 & wish kat facebook pun cukup :)

    >> thanks juliet le sweetheart! :)
