Thursday, June 24, 2010

31 Years of Syigim

thank you for ALL your thoughts and well-wishes. i appreciate it very much! you're part of making my birthday a little more special today!

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it's my birthday, and i do this every year. i kept copies of facebook birthday wishes. i just love looking at them few years down the road...

it's really for my personal keeping. simpan dalam notebook, nanti makan space. so i post je la kat blog. hihi. don't mind me, yah?


  1. hi syigim, hope its not to late to wish you a happy 31st birthday! may all your dream come true.

  2. thanks sofia! it's never too late to give a good bday wish! hihi. :)

  3. syigim...happy 31st birthday to you!

  4. hi..harap2 tak terlambat lg wish u happy 31st birthday..semoga dipjgkn umr, dimurahkn rezeki and sentiasa di bwh lindungan and rahmat Allah S.W.T ameen~

  5. Aslmkm Syigim.
    U r a cancer lady?
    Happy Belated 31st Birthday. All the very best & many happy returns of everyday the whole year through! Ameen.
    Sorry dear ... Kak G [shld b aunty G :)] was too bz working to meet d dateline.

  6. happy belated birthday, sorry la xde masa nak blog hopping and lambat wish u syigim.

    p.s. kat mana celebrate?

  7. happy belated besday dear friend

    May Allah bless u and happy ever after...


  8. >> thanks izan! :)

    >> terima kasih, zulaikha. never too late! it's still june! hihi.

  9. >> so now i call u aunty G instead? hihi......thanks so much for the wish. yes, i'm a cancer :)

    >> fairus dear, thanks for the wish! celebrate kat fuddruckers - dekat, family friendly & got big fat burgers! hihi...
