Sunday, April 4, 2010

Back-up Unit Returns!

mr. khairul calls her his back-up unit.

fresh from the long holiday in dubai with mr. khairul's bapak, siblings and his mak long just few months back, she returns to dubai just yesterday morning to help during my pantang.

mr. khairul's mom is here!

mommy's boy

kazim is her 4th grandchild after khaleef, kahfi, mr. khairul's niece wafa, and now baby kazim. she brought a whole lotta ikan bilis for my lauk pantang, kapur for my tummy in berbengkung, as well as all the daun-daun needed in bertungku.

i also asked her to get kazim those cheap baby clothes - the white, or blue ones with little holes on them - you know it? i absolutely love those baby clothes because tengok baby pakai pun macam selesa je ade banyak lubang-lubang. hihi. it'd be one hot summer once he fits into those clothes, so i'm sure he'd be all comfy and cool!

what else did she bring? ah, yes - the most anticipated item of all - her homemade kaya. satu balang tu bawak!

she was here when i had kahfi (click here), and now for kazim. thanks a lot, for many lauk pantang to come, and for keeping kazim's big brothers company!


  1. best tu ada org masak lauk utk pantang sambil jaga your little kazim and khaleef & kahfi too :)

  2. mmg syukur fida, ade la org nk masak2 n especially jagakan budak2 ni si abg2 kazim tu ;)
