Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Baby Boo : Boy or Girl?

thought of keeping this on the hush hush till the day the little kay finally comes. however, meeting friends here and there in dubai proved that mr khairul was the one who can't keep a secret!

a conversation with someone would go like this :

cik kak : syigim, boy ke girl?
me : ooo, surprise! hihi.
cik kak : tu, khairul dah kasitau tadi!
me : laaaa..! ye ke? ish, dia ni!

boy or girl?


if you must know, i will tell you.

...that khaleef will have *his own room after all!

* for full story of what that sentence has to do with the gender of the baby, refer to this posting here!


  1. Nampaknye 3 power rangers la yek..jadi supermom le syigim pasni..

  2. Congrats for the good news! So happy for you. ;-) Ni mesti dah tau nak letak nama apa ni... he he he.

  3. >> yup dbalkis...i bukan stakat jadi supermom nanti, jadi monstermom pun kot! haha :P

    >> thanks aisha dear.. yah we have few 'kay' names shortlisted hihi.. ;)

  4. syigim, i nak kena amik sikit2 tempias u la! nak boy sorang jugak! anyway, congrats! take care! i pllak yang excited tak sabar tunggu baby u.

  5. haha fairus, ni confirm kita kena tuka2 aura coz i'm gonna have a third boy!!! ;)

    thanks for ur well wishes dear.. i pun xsaba jgk ni :P (tp baby klua lepas auntie fairusnye party ok!!)

  6. manggis, betullah teori just 10 jr fasa 1 dan 2 tu. Selang2 boy-girl. Let us all welcome Karim Khairul as the 12th jr ;)

  7. 3 hero dlm umah, eh campo satu bapak heroes. wah, nih mmg kena amik aura syigim la pas nih.

  8. aiyo kak arin ni lagi satu mak budak with 2 girls!! ha, amik la aura...kak arin patut kasi kat syigim awal2 dulu!! ;)

  9. yg ada girls nak boy, Syigim dah ada 2 nak tambah 1 lg boy, terasa nak girl kan? hehe. Knur pun teringin nak ada boy tapi rasanya not in a near future sbb nak balik sambung MAster dulu.

  10. kak nur, if its a girl of course best, and i really wonder how it would be...but having a 3rd boy pun excited jgk! i will have 3 tiny bodyguards and xyah spend byk beli baju baru kaler pink...guna je abang2 punya... hihi..

  11. baby boy!!! tahniah.. syigim dtg amik award dr my blog, kalau sempat buat la

  12. >> nadiah.. tak dpt hadiah, dpt senyuman je.. ;)

    >> cik ma.. thanks for the wish :) wah dpt award ;) nanti saya singgah amik..

  13. Syigim, congrats....another prince! Any baby, regardless boy ke girl ke...memang a blessing kan. All the very best again....:))

  14. thanks ica dear... yes! indeed a blessing! now i cuma kena upgrade stamina to control 3 boys! ;)

  15. hahahaa.. I tak boleh nak bagi tips on that since I have girls...:)) Yup, lepas ni kena banyak buat banyak push ups and sit ups, nak upgrade stamina....or practise lontaran suara tu kuat2...(like what I selalu buat...kalau the girls tak dengar cakap!)

  16. miss this entry so bz preparing food for the bazaar..(sib baik fairus bagitau kat bazaar jumaat lepas) so boy lah ya..takpe janji ada geng power ranger :)

  17. tu la fida, dah ade geng power rangers nanti ni kena blaja ngan fida la suara tarzan tu.. hihi ;)
