Monday, February 1, 2010

Kahfi is Top 10 Cutest On The Planet!

it started with a monthly contest organized by super-mom blog - mombloggersplanet in june 2009, with no less than 100 adorable babies participating. 'cutest baby in red' - and kahfi won 2nd prize! read about it here!

more and more montly contests followed, and each 1st and 2nd place winners of each monthly contest were elligible for the finale - 'cutest baby on the planet' with super-awesome prizes!

20 babies compete in this finale, where mommies have to put up the best, most adorable picture of their kid, answer a few trivia questions on the founder of mombloggersplanet, little mama, as well as complete a few questions through a sticky post in each other's blog!

how did kahfi do?

my handsome boy kahfi

he won 6th place! clap! clap! he won a photography session voucher for us, and book hamper! i LOVE that we won books!

well, the best thing about being in this finale of top 20, is that ALL of us get prizes! yes - from the grand prize to consolations - all of us will not leave empty-handed, thanks to the effort of little mama getting sponsors and writing great advertorials!

click on the picture to read more on the results!

congratulations my huggy koala bear kahfi! you're forever cutest on mak's planet! (ok, you too khaleef!)

* * *

on a totally different note, an old school-mate of mine gave birth to twin boys few months ago. they were born small, barely 2kg and had been kept under tight supervision at the hosp until today because of their weak hearts.

i cry everytime i read her facebook status - she always kept her friends abreast with the twins' progress, or lack of - weight gain or loss, eye operation on one of the babies, and so on. below is her latest facebook status update :

mata khabir semakin critical...aku redha apa yg bakal tejadi...semoga anak mama tabah....khayr dah ok n mgkn blh blk..khabir tepaksa sampai bl? ya allah kuatkan iman & ksabaranku...aminn...

friends, please extend your doa for this mom and her twins, may she continue to have the strength and patience for the coming days...

in the meantime we must take a good long look at our children and thank Allah for his blessings!


  1. kesiannya kawan syigim tu. moga dia tabah & moga kembar tu boleh survive..

  2. hensemnye metro dia...

  3. >> nadiah, mmg sedih. xleh imagine perasaan mama tu.. dah la kembar ade 2 tp 2-2 sakit...kita doakan yg terbaik je..

    >> mama miya ni mane yg hensem ni? ;)
