Monday, December 14, 2009

Flood & Plate-Shape Building @ Abu Dhabi

never had i imagine that it was possible for flood to occur in dubai or abu dhabi. but the last 2-3 days of rain proved too much for this padang pasir. the heaviest rain occured yesterday when it poured non-stop - and not only that, the rain fell in big fat plops!

there were not just puddles and slippery roads - there was actual flooded area! well, mr. khairul said the trick is to just follow the front car closely, especially if it's a bigger four wheel drive, so that the car would have already 'opened up' the way for your car to drive past.

statistics have shown that accidents trippled during these rainy days; the worse was a 60 car pile-up in one single accident between dubai - abu dhabi!

well, drive safe people. don't talk on the phone, and don't nag your hubby about his driving habits. hihi.

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as you're driving and entering the gateway to abu dhabi from dubai, a peculiar sight will greet you. round, shiny-blue and funny looking as it stood alone without any other sky scrapers. from afar, it looks like something from starwars - a weird-looking space vehicle landing upon the vast desert.

or is it?

situated at al-raha beach area, it is the first round building in the middle east, with its futuristic aluminium and glass exterior. this circular building is actually the ALDAR properties' headquarters, and will house international business offices.

Michael Cox, Al Raha Beach Project Director, said: "The geometric shape of the building symbolizes unity, stability, rationality and modernity beyond the structure of the building."

we were admiring the spherical shape of the building when i thought of the possibility of the building suddenly going out of its base. "bayangkan bangunan ni bergolek." hihi.

abu dhabi, and dubai especially has A LOT, and i mean A LOT of interesting looking building with creative, sometimes mind-boggling designs. my sisters said i should blog about that one day because this trait is unique to dubai - awesome, modern architectural marvel.

hmm. one fine day.

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i just had to add this just for fun - khaleef looking adorable and excited on a super-classy lookin golf buggy! it looks like those classic cars of the olden days! super cool!

alright dubaians - enjoy your post-rainy day!

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taking the opportunity to wish my beautiful aunt (my mak's youngest sister) Cik, a happy, happy birthday! she's a fantastic cook, and i'm absolutely hooked on her nasi tomato, fried kuey teow and most of all - her super yummy ikan keli! read about it here!

happy birthday again!


  1. hai Syigim,

    i think yr sista is true. untuk insan yg blum ke dubai menyaksikan sendiri kehebatan arkitektur disana, dapat baca di blog ini pun sangat bagus!

  2. yah frida. mmg good idea. :) i always see & pass by these unique buildings tp xde masa nk take picts.. :)
