Monday, May 11, 2009

Khaleef in Arab Head Gear

when in rome, do as the romans do. and when in the arab world...

i've had my share of being bitten by the arab bug - i've worn a typical all-black abaya with seeming ease and was enjoying the space and freedom it gives me in my movement! also how generous it is in hiding my extra meat!

khaleef wants a bit of the fun too - so we fashioned an arab head gear on him and voila! - our own little sheikh!

ya habibi!

The keffiyeh (Arabic: كوفية‎, kūfiyyah, plural كوفيات, kūfiyyāt), also known as a (ya)shmagh (from Turkish: yaşmak "tied thing"), ghutrah (غترة), ḥaṭṭah (حطّة), mashadah (مشدة) or shemagh is a traditional headdress typically worn by Arab men.

It is made of a square of cloth (“scarf”), usually cotton, folded and wrapped in various styles around the head. It is commonly found in arid climate areas to provide protection from direct sun exposure, as well as for occasional use in protecting the mouth and eyes from blown dust and sand.

Its distinctive woven check pattern originated in an ancient Mesopotamian representation of either fishing nets or ears of grain.

~ wikipedia

wanna try wearing one?


  1. nih jalan2 gie mana khaleef nih?

  2. kak arin, khaleef jln2 kat kedai pak arab.. hihi

    hallu ummi tini...welcome! slalu la jenguk my blog :)

  3. syiqim alahai cutenya khaleef :) dgn serban pak arab tu

  4. syigim,
    pakaikan kat adik dia gak...mesti encem:)

  5. fida, ziah thanks...cute like his mak le hihi


    sheila..adik dia kang buat balut satu badan le.. :P

  6. khaleef jalan kat kedai arab kat mane? and one more thing.. dlm gmbar tu die tgh nangis or baru habis nangis??

  7. haha...actually lepas pakaikan serban tu, pak arab tu kissd his cheek.. so khaleef nangis hihi..

    tu baru lepas nangis le tu ;)

  8. khaleef is written خليف
