Sunday, April 26, 2009

Google This to My Blog

keyword analysis.

what do they type out in the 'search' box to get to my blog? yang paling mengarut had to be 'abu dhabi indian hot fat aunties friendship'?! what the..!

Num Perc.Search Term


46.25%MGS IPOH

34.69%syazrin syigim

34.69%3rd largest mosque in the world

23.13%oldboys weekend 2009

11.56%abu dhabi indian hot fat aunties friendship (wth?!!)

11.56%koleq boys

11.56%majestic mosque in the world

11.56%+problem living in dubai marina (mane de problem! hihi)

11.56%aku dubai


11.56%how do you spell kadir in cursive

11.56%blog of nazruddin habibur rahman

11.56%how to spell mucho gracias

11.56%words kids need to spell by kindergarten

11.56%jumeirah beach walk

11.56%spell the word hid

11.56% shops in jumera beach resedance

11.56%japanes word ichiban

11.56%ichi ban slang

11.56%how do you spell 30th

11.56%spell kindergarten

11.56%How do you spell Gracias?

11.56%syigim blog

11.56%Mark Wahlberg

11.56%nixon crying titi

11.56%the largest mosque in the world

11.56%making love for boys from dubai (?????? kepala hotak diorang)


11.56%biggest mosque in the world

11.56%secrets to graffiti on facebook

11.56%"American Idol" Dubai 2009

11.56%poems that spell the word baby

11.56%jumeirah beach residences restaurants walkway

11.56%mckk old boys weekend

11.56%dunkin donuts in ibn battuta only

11.56%how do you spell the word me in chinese

11.56%maid of honor that is married

11.56%cooking class in ipoh


11.56%where is the big mosque in the world

11.56%friends quotes joey i'll love you forever by robert munsch

11.56%shakespere in uptown mirdiff

11.56%mckk old boys weekend 2009

11.56%how do you spell 25 in word form

11.56%maid of honour is married

11.56%married maid of honor

64 100.00%

popular pages
the popular pages (ceh ceh macam le popular sangat ye) - ok lemme rephrase that - the pages that are 'comparatively receiving more views' are still any postings on dubai marina and the walk. there were a lot of views for the writing on my alma mater too, MGS ipoh. recently, however the posting on mr. khairul's old boys weekend in dubai got the most clicks.

keep on clicking, people. you're always a guest of honor here!



  1. yg mana agak nye keyword dia yang tepat: abu dhabi, hot fat aunties, friendship?..hehehheheheh..

  2. I am a new reader; but love your blog! Keep writing! He he he. Ps: Got your link via Ziah's blog.

    -tengku aisha @ aisha uia-

  3. Hi Syigim! Glad you've found me at last he he...maklum blog tak femes. So very sorry coz lambat respond. I've been off blogging for the past 2 weeks. My laptop bengong! But now dah ok. :)

    p/s - Rajin plak u buat keyword analysis tu. How'd u do that anyway?

  4. kak arin - tu laa...ngarut btul! sape la dok menggoogle mende tu! hihi..

    aisha - appreciate dat! fancy meetin u here! dtg selalu k? ;) i added ur link to my blog :)

    kak ziela - i got the statistics from --> ttp://

    try it!

    takutnye baca psl ur laptop! careful kay? ;)

