Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tiga Panglima & Si Puteri Tunggal

my three boisterous boys and their one and only cousin on their bapak’s side. my khaleef, kahfi and kazim with little wafa, rolling on the grass. err, carpet, that looks like the grass.



wafa & big cousin bro khaleef



kahfi & 6 months apart little cousin sister wafa



kak wafa with little cousin bro kazim

can’t wait to meet their cousins on their mak’s side – all SIX of them – abg haiqal, abg haqeem, little nuna and baby adam harris; as well as kak cuya and little marissa. wait for us!


  1. Syigim!!!!

    Kahfi dengan cousin dia look like twins!!!!

  2. Kahfi mcm anak cina la, nampak girl pun ade gak.. hehe

  3. >> yeen, mmg mcm twins sbb have the same mongolian look :P

    >> fara, bila ntah nak potong rambut dia tu... ;) tu yg nmpak mcm girl hihi

  4. ica, ayat default : super cute mcm mak dia! ;)
