Saturday, June 25, 2011

FB Bday Wishes : a Celebrity for a Day!

don’t you agree? birthdays on facebook will make that one special person a celebrity for a day. more than 100 notifications that tells you about all the wall posts you’ve gotten from all your ‘friends’ on facebook. jenuh nak mereply komen.

tu yang rasa macam selebriti kan!

funny thing is, some of them NEVER even left comments on your pictures or statuses; but on YOUR birthday, they would suddenly pop out to wish you a ‘happy birthday’. hihi.

nways, i appreciate EVERY single birthday wish i had gotten on facebook, and usual in this blog, i record them here for my own reading pleasure. when i’m 82. insyaAllah!


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31 in dubai

31 in dubaiii


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thank you! thank you! thank you!


  1. just another foodieJune 25, 2011 at 7:12 AM

    Wow, so many wishes!! Here's one more to add (non-FB though :P) -- Happy Birthday, Syigim!
    Hope you had some really delicious food on your birthday! :)

  2. Happy birthday! Trust you you had the best birthday steak dinner. All the best wishes.
    Cheers! :)

  3. happy beday panjang umur murah rezeki :)

  4. >> heya foodie! thanks for the wish :) yeap, good food makes it an even greater day! :)

    >> nELitA, thanks for the wish :) went to outback steakhouse! hihi

  5. ermayum, terima kasih atas ucapan selamat :) ameen!

  6. hihi..iyela kak..kalo besday baru nak wish..kalau tak, tak pernah nak comment ke apa..hihi
