Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Final Post for Mombloggersplanet (For Now!)

for the past year, starting december 2009 to december 2010, i was contributing blog posts for mombloggersplanet (MBP). i’ve stopped, because it’s taking too much of my time from my boisterous boys!

click here for my final posting on MBP.

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MBP is a site for moms, by moms and now even visited by dads. that’s how informative the site is. if you think it’s all girly-motherly stuff, it discusses parenting issues, bloggers events, blogging tips and tools, how to make money through blogging and many more.

at the same time you really do make friends, and i mean really – there are a few bloggers i met through MBP who have become regulars at my blog, and i regularly visit their blogs too.


how did i start writing for MBP?

the force behind mombloggersplanet dot com, kak ros or as she’s fondly known over the site – little mama wrote most of the articles, but she started to share the limelight with bloggers who loves writing, and want to share stuff, particularly on blogging, making money through blogs, and working from home.

and that’s where i came in!

here are my favorite postings that i wrote for MBP :

  1. are you a super blogger? 
  2. good blogging is like a yummy nasi lemak 
  3. a dinosaur’s guide to blogging
  4. you know you’re a freakoblog when…
  5. comment, comment, comment!
  6. you hate writing, but you want to blog?
  7. go travel, then blog!
  8. 5 reasons why dads must blog!

for your information, i wasn’t paid to write these postings. it was simply passion for writing, and sharing thoughts. pure and simple. also, i just wanted to fill my time! hihi.

if you ask me, the friendship i got through MBP is something that i appreciate the most. thanks kak ros for the opportunity, and for sharing your stage with a few of us. i hope to meet you one day and give you a hug!

for the rest of you, drop by mombloggersplanet, or click here to read all 33 of my featured articles there!


  1. "Like"

    thanks for the back link in the "5 reasons why dads must blog!" story..

  2. syigim....mesti ramai yg rindu nak baca tulisan syigim

  3. Yes, thanks a bunch MBP. Without it I would not have been able to meet Syigim and jadi one of her friend + follower...:))

  4. waaa~~ plz don't stop write in here too kay.. love to read urs in MBP...

  5. >> pala maldini, posting yg bagus wajar dihargai (wah, ayat!)

    >> kak lina, rindu2 dtg la baca blog ni ;)

  6. >> ica, yessss thanks to MBP! i'm so grateful for our friendship, ica :D

    >> zulaikha, thanks! :D personal blog ni remain :) cuma skang ni susah nk blog everyday so have to stop kat MBP :)
