scene I
khaleef : mak, what's that? (the tone is like testing me, rather than questioning or wondering)
me : lion.
khaleef : no.
me : lion lah.
khaleef : it's a mommy lion. (because the stuffed animal is without its mane - oh ye lah! memang singa betina la tu!)
scene II
khaleef was looking out the window when a bird flew by.
khaleef : mak, it's a bird. and a fly.
me : yes, birds fly.
khaleef : no, mak. it's a fly.
me : (thought i wanted to fix his grammar) not 'it's a fly.' -birds- -fly-. birds fly.
khaleef : no, mak. it's a fly. fly. fly. fly.
me : (frustrated, but finally saw what he was pointing at - a fly at the window! la, lalat rupanye!)
* * *

kahfi can
...say "bye bye" - and wave!
...say 'eih?' while making a phone action, puting his palm up his ear!
...main kejar-kejar with his abang!
...run away when he took something (like remote control), and when cornered, he would smile cheekily, and actually hand over the item he took, without fuss!
...eat mandi rice!
* * *
a short posting today. sakit belakang! enjoy your long weekend, guys.
jeng jeng jeng...udah start sakit belakang..bersiap sedia..
ReplyDeletep/s: bag nak ke hosp dah siap?
kids like to be cheeky and they can get away with that. hehe
ReplyDeletepengajaran dlm scene II: tgk dulu apa yg anak tunjuk sblm betulkn grammar. kuikuikui..
ReplyDeleteoklah tu kahfi dah besar baru tau nak lari bile amik remote ke. My falisha, skrg, dah pandai gaduh dgn Tini, tarik rambut, jerit nangis bile kakak tak bagi and lari naik tingkat atas, panjat tangga bile dah buat salah and nak ikut kakak.
ReplyDeleteBut kids memang macam tu kan, kite ni maknye asyik nak terus je buat asumption without realising anak tu nak test kite kan.
but adorable boys la Syigim, i kena amik tempias your boys if I want to get pregnant again..
take care, hugs and kisses!
>> kak arin, blom! kena stat packing! ;)
ReplyDelete>> kak nur, it's true! nak marah pun tak jadi :P
>> betul, nadiah. mak-mak ni slalu x pay attention betui2 hihi..
ReplyDelete>> fairus dont get me started on all d wrestling matches yg i kena stopkan! ;)