Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Article, New Blog, New Clothes

i'm not that great of a cook, so when i google recipes, i love the ones with big huge clear pictures of the dishes, with simple ingredients, and tips for it not to turn bad.

i know what i want to see in a blog recipe, so i compiled a list, and before i knew it, a blog post was created. i sent it to mombloggersplanet for my second entry of the month as an MBP contributor.

click on the picture to find out what i want to read in a recipe blog!

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i always believe that it's such a waste living in a whole other country, and not document your adventure there. be it pictorial or textual, you must try and make an effort to capture your day-to-day life overseas, for it is a priceless priviledge that not all can experience!

mr. khairul's sister teh is currently studying dentistry in cairo, and has just started to blog. she claimed to 'hate' writing, but from the looks of it, she has a certain flair and i hope she continues to blog.

she has already put up very interesting pictures of cairo scenes in her facebook, and i suggested for her to just transfer those pictures and write more detailed description of each. she has a good eye on taking one-of-a-kind shots so it's only a matter of expressing those shots into good writing!

you know how young girls like her, on a new place - they'd probably end up taking a lot of shots with their cute little faces against a nice background. but teh took more than that - pictures of the souk scenes of cairo, camels being slaughtered right in the middle of the street, a man selling nan bread on bicycle and many more unique shots that can illustrate the raw life in cairo.

have fun blogging teh, and for my readers, click on picture to visit the 'green monkey'!

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khaleef got a surprise very-belated birthday present yesterday, and kahfi got one too! their aunty tina had a walk to the dubai marina mall which is just walking distance from our place, and got them some new clothes from mothercare (my favorite brand for my kiddos!).

tina got khaleef a pair of blue corduroy pants, and he's really in need of one! the gap jeans that he's been wearing dah singkat! this one that tina bought is slightly gedoboh for khaleef but i like it - boleh pakai lama, and boleh pass-pass kat adik!

kahfi got a chequered sweater that made him look like a harvard graduate! super-cute! thanks to aunty tina for their brand new clothes!

and oh, she also got one mighty-adorable black and white 'cat-suit' for khaleef's and kahfi's baby bro/sis. yeap. what? you didn't know? really? about what?



  1. hey,

    bile nak detail nih? what? what? hah, yang pasal tu lah...!!

    hehehe.. anyway, jumpe esok!

  2. hihihi hohoho...

    >> fairus, cant wait for u guys to come over :)

    >> nadiah, yup....nanti i confirmkan kat blog hihi ;)
