Friday, December 11, 2009

My Maiden Article in Mombloggersplanet!

hey hey hey! look at this - it's my first article on mombloggersplanet as its MBP contributor! have you guys read it? nope? what have you been doing? quick, click here!

for the uninitiated ones, i was selected as one of the 10 contributors for mombloggersplanet, and given the opportunity to write articles on blogging, making money through blogging and the likes. the list of MBP contributors are featured here.

i LOVE writing and really appreciate the chance to expand my passion! thanks to the founder of
mombloggersplanet little mama for inviting us into her wonderful blog, and sharing her popular spot in the world wide web. thanks again for being so generous. *smile*

watch her space for more of my articles, as well as the other 9 bloggers!

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teh shopping in cairo

oh, also wanna wish my sis-in-law teh a happy birthday today. she's currently in cairo, pursuing dentistry. how's the cake in egypt? have a great one!