Thursday, December 31, 2009

Al-Fatihah : Mak (270357 ~ 311203)

six years have passed.

six years of trying to be a woman, mom and daughter without mak to guide and share her wisdom. i hope she's proud of how i turned out to be!

here's a special post to my mak that i wrote last year.

i miss her so much.

Bibir bonda bersih lesu
Pernah dulu mengucupi dahiku
Kini kurasakan kasihnya lagi
Meski jauh dibatasi bumi

~ Usman Awang's 'Ke Makan Bonda'

* * *

al-Fatihah too for mr. khairul's opah (his bapak's mom) who passed away yesterday afternoon at ipoh. her deep perghok accent always reminds me of kampung, of hanging out with abah's side of the family, always a comfort.

"As the first grandson from my father's side, I will miss her best daging serunding on every Eid Fitri. On my last trip back (to Malaysia) in July, met her and she whispered "along kerol..mana tahu tahun depan opah tak jumpa kamu dah.."

true indeed.."

~mr. khairul

she will be missed.


  1. Salam Ziarah Syiqim.


    Selamat Tahun Baru 2010. Semoga tahun baru 2010 lebih baik daripada tahun 2009;-)

  2. Al-Fatihah utk arwah mak Syigim dan Opah ur hubby. Knur kehilangan mak 24 Jun 2008. kali terakhir bersama arwah bln MAc 2007. Sabar ye Syigim.

  3. smg roh kedua2nya tenang di 'sana' & ditmptkn bersama insan2 yg beriman..

  4. al fatihah..tahun baru 2010 buat syiqim sekeluarga

  5. thanks kak arin & fairus.. i hope she's proud of me. if she were around sure tkejut anak tomboy dia dah mom of TWO hihi ;)

  6. >> terima kasih ustaz, selamat tahun baru 2010! :)

    >> ye ke kak nur! al-Fatihah! br lagi ye....xpe kak nur, kita sama2 sabar..they're in a better place!

  7. >> thanks, nadiah.. aminnnn :)

    >> thanks fida, al-Fatihah jgk buat arwah abah fida.
