Friday, August 7, 2009

Dine Amid Waterfall @ Cerana Seafood

this weekend, it's cuti-cuti kuala lumpur for anak-anak haji sharifuddin - yong and family came from ipoh, i followed abah back to kl and azi met us later on. the first night, yong's sister-in-law wanted to belanja us - mainly because it was to celebrate haqeem's birthday, and also for my hospitality when she visited me in dubai few months back.

we went to cerana seafood. all the way to ampang. (eh, kat ampang kan. nanti check)

for someone not used to driving along kl or selangor area, in the middle of the night in high traffic, the place was quite a challenge to find. only a huge 'billboard' against a row of shophouse would tell you that you have arrived. i missed it, had to make a u-turn and then found my way parking at the petrol station on the side of the restaurant.

and even then, you'd still be wondering - where is this cerana place? from the petrol station, you had to go round the back, and then only you're faced with an entrance that welcomes you with kampung-like built and green plants all around.

i heard this place only opens at night, in case you're wondering. the interior is woody (floors, roofing and stairs) but the chairs did not complement the whole wood-theme. and i think it's in bad taste that the table cloth is red!

yong's sis-in-law, whom we call kak yong mislia had reserved a long table right in front of the 'live' performance (which i must add, was really a nuisance with the much too loud music and sound, plus lack of singing talent! i mean, they don't have to sound like ziana zain, but takkan la sumbang sangat!)

thus, it was very difficult for our troupe to speak to each other over the VERY loud music. the only thing we could do was just speak to the person sitting next to us - and that defeats the purpose of this get-together-cum-reunion!

the food is OK - and i'll stop at that. oh, i'll just add 'edible'. i believe that kak yong mislia put a lot of effort in choosing this place, ordering these special dishes to belanja us whole family, so i would just say thank you for the tom yam, steamed fish and lauk-lauk lain. thanks!

i guess at the end of the day, it's the company that matters the most. my sisters get to lepak with their awesome sister on holiday from dubai (me lah!) and abg. mat's sisters living in kl get to meet their 'little' brother and their nephews and niece coming for holiday.

after dinner, kak yong mislia gathered the kids, including khaleef (but excluding the shy and gwumpy sufya) to bring out the cake. yang lawaknya, azi pun terlibat sama! as the youngest aunt, kak yong mislia asked her to carry the cake, with the kids behind her walking towards haqeem.

surprise! secret recipe's choc indulgence for the birthday boy!

sambil makan kek, we took the chance to take pictures against the 'scenery'.

now, if i want to be truly honest - this is the only perk of the place - the man-made mini waterfall, the batu sungai and the abundant of trees and plants surrounding the place. in fact, it is stated in the website that patrons can enjoy their food while listening to the sounds of soothing waterfall.

..err, which makes we wonder - since all i could hear was the irritatingly blaring BAD singing!

oh, well. yes - the company that matters the most. and niat murni kak yong mislia nak belanja kitorang. she was a fantastic host - making sure everyone was comfortable, had enough to eat and all their needs met.

thanks again!

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