Friday, April 10, 2009

My IKEA Book Rack

here is my long-awaited IKEA book rack! i've been wanting this since forever! not any other victorian or modern ziggy zag book rack, but this particular one. and i finally got it! yay! now i have a new place for all my books!

hey, i'm a book bug - read here!

one fine day, mr. khairul just as-a-matter-of-factly said, jom ikea. beli book rack. just like that. it's these little surprises that makes him so huggable!

so we went and bought. IKEA's real cool - everything sort off packed flattened out, customers can just dunk 'em at the back of the car and assemble them at home! no need delivery and unnecessary charges!

mr khairul did everything. he (and khaleef) read the manual and started placing things together. i just watched. helped when asked to. and made snacks. when it's done it's the most beautiful book rack there ever was... (that is, before i can get my floor to ceiling book rack).


ha ha. my attempt to be creative. i put three items on the book rack. the japanese fan was a wedding present from mr. khairul's former japanese boss. it comes in a crisp box with japanese writings and a wooden stand for the fan.

the metal plate thingy in the middle is a lifetime calendar where you can twist and turn the date/month/year discs on the plate to match the present time. i can't remember whether mr khairul got it from bahrain or qatar. and the bonsai is also a wedding gift from one of abah's former associates.

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my terry pratchetts and stephen kings make up more than a box. and few more have to be placed at the back! sorry, guys!

what's that? pfft! of course i color co-ordinate my books!

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see? color co-ordinate, people!

books to remind me where i've been, where i am and where i'm gonna be. some collected from my days as a reluctant UIA student...other than being compelled to take arabic, my electives consist of subjects from studies of fiqh to science of hadith!

notice my beloved central perk mug! i got it on my first week here in dubai, when mr khairul brought me to a 'special' place he's been bragging about even before i go to dubai.

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khaleef's little, teeny tiny books. and his dr. seuss! i love dr. seuss! also there are my fav comics - 'calvin and hobbes' and 'the far side' - never fail to fix any doldrums..

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books that remind me of what i love best - language. words. art. in whichever order. (syida you have got to get me a book as thick as your roald dahl to fill the space when i return the book to you!)

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on a dark and stormy night, with only the key-hole candle light illuminating the little corner of the house - a good scary book is perfect to be devoured...ha! ha! ha! (that's supposed to be a spooky laugh, just for your information.)

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my jeffrey archers! dan, i love my books! i've got a few more books to take out from their boxy dungeon - and placed in this nice book rack along with their peers.

books are meant to be read! and i LOVE to discuss books, so if you've read anything interesting please drop me a line! you know i even had a fantasy (ha jangan pikir bukan-bukan) of browsing books alone at a bookstore, when a complete stranger browsed together and ask me whether i've read so and so books and we started talking...(yawn! tu mr khairul la tu!) haha! just a girly fantasy...

ok, now shoo off, excuse me while i get back to my agatha christie...

*thanks, honey for the book rack. love you bunches!


  1. wow!! siyookkknya...boley join gan anak2 nekPP..koleksi penuhh dlm kotak plastik ikea je! ngeee ;-)))

  2. aku punya book rack dah nak termuntah dah sampai terpaksa taruk buku dlm kotak bawah katil.... am reading adrian mole 13 3/4 now... lawak siut... x abis2 dgn jerawat dia... heh...

  3. i will show off my book rack comes your twin. mean while all my books are everywhere in the house... ;p

  4. nekpp, anak2 nekpp suka bace buku camne? ;)

    ziah, aku rasa aku baca adrian mole when i was in sec skool. mmg lawak! i've yet to read 'mass destruction' - adrian mole @ 30/40yrs old!

    liyana - sebok je tukang jahit ni! :P
