Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mau Minum Apa?

i found these stuff in my kitchen cupboard. how did it get here?

i didn't plan this. this is weird for me. i don't even take hot drinks. if i do, it'll be milo. come to think of it, i hardly take ice-cold drinks either. most of the time, i just drink plain water. but don't start to judge now - i'm not a health-freak-must-drink-eight-glasses-of-water-each-day. i'm just speaking comparitively.

hey, i should drink 8 glasses of water. but i don't. so comparitively, i drink more plain water than anything else. mr. khairul, yes he drinks it hot. mostly tea. at times milo when the mood strikes. otherwise he prefers soda and orange juice.

anywho - as we do our usual weekly marketing in spinneys - i find myself arranging a cupboard full of hot beverages to choose from. dah macam kedai mamak je.

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whittard's smooth vanilla ground coffee
i don't drink coffee. wait - i do not like anything that is remotely related to coffee, its neighbours or peers - coffee cake, kopiko, tiramisu and such. but this was a token of thought from my dear buddy niraku who who flew london-malaysia and dropped by dubai to see me.

however, the smell is just tantalizing - it's the vanilla! not to the point of breaking me, though. i still don't like coffee!

takpe niraku. khairul suka!

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malay tea ginger
tea, i drink. but i'm a proud, picky eater. drinker. whatever. so since this has ginger, eww, no thanks. yeah yeah i know it's good for me especially post-pregnancy - but i'll take the ginger with my chicken or ikan bilis any day okay?

i think mr. khairul got this from one of the visitors to his office.

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cadbury drinking chocolate
i like chocolate. let's just say i love chocolate as much as i hate coffee. so there.

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there's something nostalgic about this bottle of nescafe. it brought me back to ipoh, to days when my mak made coffee for abah every morning and afternoon, complete with coffeemate. over fried bihun, nasi lemak, bubur kacang or cucur udang. there's always two cups on the table, for her and him. us kids don't drink coffee so it's just mak and abah.

i never made coffee when mak was around so i distinctly remember trying to make a pot right after mak passed away for distant relatives coming to visit. tokcik was there. yes, i remember. nerve-wrecking.

'mai minum kopi manis ni.." from tokcik was enough to tell me that i did ok. *smile*

incidentally, mr khairul doesn't drink hardcore coffee as well. he bought this because - ready for it - coffee grounds, when mix with water - can heal wounds. yup. khaleef had quite a cut one day, so he dabbed the water+coffee mixture on the wound. in no time, the wound was dry with minimal scar.

try it!

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my favourite! go to any mamak restaurant and i'll order milo ais or milo suam on a rainy day. nothing beats milo's chocolatey taste. and who made the bestest best milo in the whole wide world?

mr. khairul!
it's so rich and creamy and sweet and sinful! kalah ice-choc kat starbucks!

want some yummies using milo?
  • take butter crackers and dip - yum!
  • eat with cornflakes (i remember my colleague jo does this)
  • my sis syima uses it in her kek batik
  • this one done by makcah, mr. khairul's aunt who took care of him since he was a baby - she would spread condensed milk on a piece of bread, then sprinkle some milo. voila!
  • when we were younger mak used to take left-over milo and put them in plastic cups in the freezer. result - cheapest ice-cream ever! so nice to sit around, us siblings, on a hot day, scraping the iced-hard milo with our spoon. it's like ice blended!
  • i love to sprinkle some milo on my ice-cream, especially if they're plain vanilla

..also, so good you can even eat it on its own!

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lipton tea
ok this one i like! plain tea with sugar and that's it. mr. khairul likes teh tarik and once attempted to tarik at home but doesn't taste the same! lucky enough found a nice spot here in dubai which serves a good teh tarik. here they call it chai.

try green city for an awesome teh tarik!

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twinings' english breakfast tea
another souvenir from my buddy niraku when she dropped by dubai on the way from london to malaysia. well, it's tea. put a spoonful of sugar and warm water - hmm...

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ceylon tea from sri lanka
this i got when i went for the costumes show in abu dhabi. there were booths from several countries and some were giving out free stuff - traditional fans, brochures, sweets and such. so from sri lanka, i got these tea packets. have yet to try but i bet it tastes just as good.

but then again, i really really really cannot take chinese tea or green tea. so i guess there are types of tea that i won't take...

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ok, incik nak minum apa?


  1. trylah brooke band red tea,lebih best dari lipton.kalau buat teh tarik mmg sedap.pakai rainbow condensed or evaporated.
    eh thanks for the tip yg pakai coffee ngan water tu.anak kak linda yg lelaki tu irsyad selalu kena next time kak linda try pakai coffee ya..

    thanks a lot.

  2. sama la..chinese tea atau green tea takleh masuk anak tekak kak arin..

  3. Milo ais kurang manis satu!

  4. kak try it out. mula2 khairul suggest rase pelik pulak! but it works! :)

    kak arin, ade one time tersilap order n got one whole pot of green tea - minum je la kan, tapi syigim buh gula byk2 hahaha..

    yong - milo ais manis gile satu siapppppp!

  5. tringin nk rasa milo abg khairul it really THAT good?
